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Where to visit on vacation this year that has a great park?

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My girlfriend and I like to go on a big yearly trip. We live in Calgary, Canada. We tend to go for 10 day trips or so. My girlfriend likes theme parks but they aren't a main reason for her to go anywhere, so we need a city where there's lots of other fun stuff to do.


Places we've gone previously


-Southern California

(Disneyland, Universal, Seaworld)





(Disneyworld, Universal)



(Six flags over Texas, San Antonio Seaworld)



She took a short work trip down to Chicago and really liked it, and it looks like there's a big six flags near there. She also wants to go back to Disneyworld in the 'winter' for all the Christmas stuff that happens at Disney. I was thinking perhaps stay in Canada as the Canadian dollar is pretty weak now (It's not terrible, but it's been closer to 1.05:1 when we've gone previously) Other then that I've kinda wanted to go back to California for the 2 big six flags there.


Please make some recommendations! Thanks!

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To be totally honest with you, it depends on what your girlfriend wants aside from amusement parks. Cultural enrichment? Nature? Nightlife? Food? Shopping? Orlando and Southern California have the best theme park resort facilities in the US, but they have wildly different things away from the parks. If I had never really done significant travel in the US and I was a theme park fan and theme parks were going to be the primary focus of my trip, Orlando is the obvious option.

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If your girlfriend liked Chicago so much, you could hit up a multitude of parks in the area. Obviously, there's Six Flags Great America nearby, but if you're willing to do a bit of driving, you could easily visit Cedar Point and Kings Island. If you want to visit some small and medium parks, Michigan's Adventure, Indiana Beach, and Little Amerricka can be easily added.


New York City might be another option for you. Obviously, there's tons of stuff to do in the city, and there are some great parks in the greater area. Six Flags Great Adventure and Six Flags New England aren't terribly far away, and then you've got Coney Island right in Brooklyn. Plus, there's a multitude of smaller parks that can fit in your trip beautifully.

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Thanks for the replies. We are actually considering Florida pretty near the top of the list now. We didn't get to see Seaworld Orlando on our last visit, nor did we get to see Busch Gardens. We are thinking of early November, and getting to see the Christmas events at disney and the other parks we missed. Might do one day at Universal as they didn't have Diagon Alley open when we visited last. Any other parks we should check out?

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If you decide to go to Discovery Cove, you can choose the *resort day pass* option which is cheaper (no dolphin swim) and pay an extra $20 to get into Busch Gardens Tampa and have unlimited admission to SeaWorld and Aquatica Orlando for 2 consecutive weeks. Obviously you wouldn't need all that time just for those, but it is a really good deal IMO considering what Discovery Cove offers for the price. Throw in a day for Universal and time for Disney and that's a *full* week and a half.

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If you decide to go to Discovery Cove, you can choose the *resort day pass* option which is cheaper (no dolphin swim) and pay an extra $20 to get into Busch Gardens Tampa and have unlimited admission to SeaWorld and Aquatica Orlando for 2 consecutive weeks. Obviously you wouldn't need all that time just for those, but it is a really good deal IMO considering what Discovery Cove offers for the price. Throw in a day for Universal and time for Disney and that's a *full* week and a half.


Damn. Thank you for suggesting that. I think that looks like a super good deal!


We were also considering doing like a 3 or 4 day cruise, if time permits but I don't think we could fit that much in!

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Disneyland will be having their 60th anniversary celebration around that time and also have the superior Christmas offerings versus Florida. However, if you've yet to experience Potter and that's a draw, there is certainly reason to make an argument towards Florida.

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