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Photo TR: CP and Kings Island

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Was so excited to get into the park, I drove passed the entrance :p


Not really a fan of the park's skyline, but I guess that's nitpicking


First up was Diamondback, I love this ride great airtime and is a must ride in the front seat. Rode about 4 times, line got pretty long in the afternoon


I was extremely anxious to ride The Beast, having grown up watching it on various coaster shows etc; I absolutely love how this ride is hidden in an almost forest and how the lift chain creeps ever so slowly up the first lift. Ride was a bit rough for a re-ride but it's a piece of history.


Banshee is absolutely enormous!! What a gorgeous looking coaster this is, almost looks like a giant piece of candy! A great invert, though I probably prefer Batman and Raptor over it. Front and last rows are the best.


Best suspended coaster alive today, also love the orange paint job. The GP seems to enjoy this ride, it had a pretty healthy line with two train operation.


The biggest surprise of the park was this little awesome coaster. It looked like a kiddie/family coaster from the queue, boy was a I shocked that this ride actually packs a punch and I LOVED the 2nd half of the ride in the dark.


It's very apparent that Kings Island has taken good care of this ride over the years. True it's a little rough but not to the point where it's not enjoyable like some of the other Arrow loopers of it's generation. Love the intensity of this one, and that swooping turn right before the MCBR is a doozy


Gorgeous fountain near the front gate




Definitely had to get a pic of this, not sure I'm disappointed in never getting to ride Son of Beast considering I barely survived his dad :p



Racer- Absolutely loved this ride, it had a longer line than The Beast (not many masochists in town I guess). A very well maintained ride, parks get huge props from me when they don't let their older coasters go to sh*t.



Kings Island is a great amusement park with an old time feel (though it's one of the younger parks within the Cedar Fair chain). I loved the family friendly environment and cleanliness of the park. I do have one gripe and that is the layout of the park. Being such a HUGE park, you'd think they'd have one main path dedicated to getting you to every attraction without much thought. I'm not one for maps so I repeatedly found myself lost trying to get to ride entrances.


One more gripe is regarding the ride ops on Firehawk. I stood in line for about 15 minutes and they dispatched all of ONE train during that interval. I didn't waste my time and got out of what would have probably ended up being an hour wait for a ride that gets abysmal ratings to begin with.


All in all I had a great time, can't see myself putting in effort to return unless maybe they get a Giga coaster or something along those lines.

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Didn't take too many pictures at CP, the first day was raining and the second day was the day after Kings Island so I was already tired and just focused on getting rides in. I'll just give a brief review of the park and rides.


Let me just start off by saying Cedar Point SMELLS amazing. The mix of the various food concessions strategically placed throughout the park so you're constantly smelling fried elephants ears, fries, chicken fingers etc; is just heaven. It really makes the park more enjoyable IMO.


The park is OCD clean, most employees are enthusiastic and helpful, and the layout is great (in stark contrast to Kings Island).


Gatekeeper-This ride isn't as bad as some claim it to be, it may not be the most intense ride at CP but it's enjoyable nonetheless. Best ride is in the back right side, love the key hole element. It's also IMO the prettiest coaster CP has, just something about it.


Millennium Force-Waiting 14 years to ride this bad boy and it was worth the wait!!! Incredible ride!! Speed, speed, speed!! You really feel like you're riding something astronomical while riding it. Nothing compares to the rush of riding this at night with seemingly no lights. Hands a bit frost bitten in 40 degree weather but who cares. My #1


Maverick-CP's best coaster by far (even tho MF is MY personal fave). This ride has everything, speed, airtime, intensity, crazy laterals, a launch, even a little water. I was blown away by the sheer relentless terror in which this tears through the track. I don't think Intamin gets enough credit for just how technologically advanced this ride is. I was absolutely amazed by how efficiently it can run with 5 trains simultaneously.


Mean Streak-The absolute worst thing I've ever ridden, and I've ridden some crap in the past (Psyclone, Flashback, Wind Jammer). After the first (and ridiculously braked) drop, I held on for dear life hoping to have my spine in tact at the finish. The crazy part is I was riding in front of two teenaged girls who were MARATHONING this thing. WHAT!?!?! I wanted to turn around and suggest they get bone density exams in the future. Horrible HORRIBLE ride! I will say though, the ride is STRIKINGLY beautiful if nothing else tho. It's like seeing a really beautiful person and then when you talk to them, they're dumb as f***


Gemini-Unfortunately I couldn't enjoy this one too much because at the bottom of the first hill there was the bumped that tweaked my back, so I was tentative through the rest of the ride and couldn't enjoy it The GP seems to really like it though


Cedar Creek Mine-This ride COULD be interesting if there was actual theming and it wasn't just a pile of lumber sitting atop a pond. Very meh. The only highlight was a giant turtle swimming in the pond...awwww he was cute


Iron Dragon-Meh coaster credit


Corkscrew-I very pleased to ride this, it was very smooth and WELL taken care of. Kudos to CP for not letting their older rides rust into crap. And always love when I feel like I'm riding on a piece of history


TTD-Loved it, and loved how efficiently the ride ops kept the line moving. It seemed pretty obvious that this was the most popular ride at the park not just from the amount of people that were constantly getting in line, but over hearing the GPs conversations TTD is the most talked about (ahead of MF and Maverick). The ride itself is amazing, that feeling of going 120mph is just uncanny. I will say I think Xcelerator's launch is more aggressive, but I prefer TTD's launch because of the sustained speed over a longer course of track.


Magnum-I'm not sure what to say about Magnum XL 200, other than it being one of the most written about, filmed, talked about roller coasters in the history of man. So it's no wonder I felt kinda emotional getting on to the train (again riding a piece of history)for the first time, the sentiment stopped the minute I felt the earth shattering while riding. The first half of the ride is not enjoyable one bit, what saves it is the round of bunny hills that follow it. Never felt ejector air time like that, an amazing feeling.


Raptor This ride is the epitome of 90's B&M SWAG!! They had it going ON during that time period and Raptor is an accurate representation of that. Still smooth for the most part, but whips you around with a force and intensity B&M only dreams about now. I will say I prefer the zero-g roll on the Batman clones a little more, Batmen absolutely tear through that element. But all in all, a great ride and that helix at the end gives me goosebumps. Raptor is in dire need of a paint job by the way, kinda weird as all of CPs coasters look like they've received paint recently.


MantisI hate to call this ride crap because it really isn't. I love the layout and actually prefer it to the layout of it's younger brother Riddler. However, Riddler has somehow managed to stay relatively smooth after 16 years while Mantis has absolutely torn itself apart. It almost reminded me of riding Flashback (SFMM) standing up the way it would scramble your head.


Blue StreakA true GEM!! Love this ride, and kind of disappointing to see the GP lining up for Mean Streak while this was a walk on the whole time was at CP. What do they know anyway?? So glad CP takes pride in this ride and keeps it looking fresh and clean


Wicked Twisster-I've never been on an impulse coaster, but wasn't expecting much since people really don't talk about them too often these days. I was pleasantly surprised, I only rode once but sat all the way in the back and it's a pretty decent ride.


All in all, I THOROUGHLY enjoyed my visit to Cedar Point! It's a wonderful park and now I know all the accolades the park receives aren't some conspiracy but actually well earned. I hope to visit again in a couple years and hopefull the next big thing will be something ELSE magical. s



Best skyline of any amusement park I've been to

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Raptor This ride is the epitome of 90's B&M SWAG!! They had it going ON during that time period and Raptor is an accurate representation of that. Still smooth for the most part, but whips you around with a force and intensity B&M only dreams about now. I will say I prefer the zero-g roll on the Batman clones a little more, Batmen absolutely tear through that element. But all in all, a great ride and that helix at the end gives me goosebumps. Raptor is in dire need of a paint job by the way, kinda weird as all of CPs coasters look like they've received paint recently.


It's so nice to see other people appreciating how great this ride is. It's such an underrated coaster, I haven't ridden Banshee yet but it's actually my favorite invert out of the ones I've ridden (which include Montu, Batman, Alpengeist and Afterburn at Carowinds plus a few others that aren't as highly regarded like Talon and Silver Bullet). I love every B&M invert I've ever ridden but Raptor is my favorite because it's a pretty long ride and it never lets up.


I actually agree with your evaluation of every ride at Cedar Point except for maybe Gemeni which I really enjoy when it's racing.

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Great TR! I agree with you 100% on your Mean Streak opinion, it LOOKS great. But the ride is unbearably rough, and the layout is boring. CP is lacking a good wooden coaster and Mean Streak should just be demolished for something better.

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Gatekeeper-This ride isn't as bad as some claim it to be, it may not be the most intense ride at CP but it's enjoyable nonetheless. Best ride is in the back right side, love the key hole element. It's also IMO the prettiest coaster CP has, just something about it.

Did you get any roughness in the back? Just curious.

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Gatekeeper-This ride isn't as bad as some claim it to be, it may not be the most intense ride at CP but it's enjoyable nonetheless. Best ride is in the back right side, love the key hole element. It's also IMO the prettiest coaster CP has, just something about it.

Did you get any roughness in the back? Just curious.


The only rough spot I recall was at the bottom of the first drop, other than that it was smooth as butter

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Great TR! I agree with you 100% on your Mean Streak opinion, it LOOKS great. But the ride is unbearably rough, and the layout is boring. CP is lacking a good wooden coaster and Mean Streak should just be demolished for something better.


Thank you! I agree, forget RMC just get an ax!

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Raptor This ride is the epitome of 90's B&M SWAG!! They had it going ON during that time period and Raptor is an accurate representation of that. Still smooth for the most part, but whips you around with a force and intensity B&M only dreams about now. I will say I prefer the zero-g roll on the Batman clones a little more, Batmen absolutely tear through that element. But all in all, a great ride and that helix at the end gives me goosebumps. Raptor is in dire need of a paint job by the way, kinda weird as all of CPs coasters look like they've received paint recently.


It's so nice to see other people appreciating how great this ride is. It's such an underrated coaster, I haven't ridden Banshee yet but it's actually my favorite invert out of the ones I've ridden (which include Montu, Batman, Alpengeist and Afterburn at Carowinds plus a few others that aren't as highly regarded like Talon and Silver Bullet). I love every B&M invert I've ever ridden but Raptor is my favorite because it's a pretty long ride and it never lets up.


I actually agree with your evaluation of every ride at Cedar Point except for maybe Gemeni which I really enjoy when it's racing.


Silver Bullet is a snooze fest, Alpen and Montu have been on my bucket list for YEARS. One day...

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I am an invert fanatic... Raptor being my #1 for a LONG time up until Banshee. While they are *very* close, I think Banshee has the edge now. I love that I live so close to both inverts...


That being said, I find Silver Bullet simply awesome as well... I don't understand all the hate for it. I did not care for the drop, but the rest of the ride was great. I also love Great Bear, which is another "iffy" one for many.


Talon, Montu, Dueling Dragons, Batman the Rides, etc... They all float around in the middle for me. Alpengiest is one of my least favorite (along with the Batman clones).


Intensity is not a pre-requisite for me and how much I like a ride...Like it seems to be for so many (the most G's, airtime, laterals, whatever).


Glad you enjoyed your trip!

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Raptor is my favourite invert, with the batman clones coming second.

Basically it has almost the same intensity as the BTR clones but with a longer layout, which I do find important.

It's also my no four overall coaster.

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