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Photo TR: WFChris's Mexico Trips!

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Michael, Keith, Diego,

Thank you for your replies!!!


I have now been to Mexico City 5 times and Guadalajara twice. I have met locals and they have helped me learn how the city works without a car (which is the best way). Both Guadalajara and Mexico City are pretty easy to navigate, although it is MUCH easier if you understand some Spanish. I can't exactly hold a converstaion in spanish, but I can give directions to a taxi driver, and I can read about 60% of what I see, and that gets me by.


There are many different levels of transportation in both cities, and I am able to get by on all the 'major' ones.I have only used the little city busses with the locals...there are just so many of them, the stops aren't marked, and they are confusing. The major routes are all fixed, have their own lanes, or are trains. Another suggestion that came in very handy on this trip was using Uber. With Uber you can enter a destination, and track the ride yourself to make sure everything is fair. If your reciept shows the driver taking you for a big loopy ride, you can just contest it and they refund you. Also, for the most part, Uber was less expensive than a taxi (not that any of this is expensive by US standards in the first place). A data plan for your phone is a MUST...with data you can make phone calls with Skype, text on WhatsApp, use Maps (this is huge), and order an Uber.


If you are traveling to Mexico and need advice on where to stay, how to get around, best times to go, and all that, please send me a PM. I'd be more than happy to help you build a great trip!


Thanks again for all the replies, It's always fun to re-live these awesome experiences with you guys!

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TPR, I almost forgot about this guy!!!! Vendors like this and all the completely random stuff you see in Mexico is why I love going down there so much!


And yes, I know it's the dreadful vertical video, but everything was happening quickly and I didn't have time to think so here it is anyway!





I might as well throw this in as well...here is a 6 second clip of Medusa...mind you this is at the very end of the ride...look how fast it's still going!!!



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Mmm. 6 seconds of Medusa goodness.


And what was that vendor...vending, Chris? Did you get a chance to see?

It looks like he (she?) was giving out fortunes, or something like that.

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Bill, that's exactly correct...you gave him any amount of money and you picked a fortune. It was in very complex Spanish and I couldn't understand it. Furthermore, the local we were hanging out with that day was unable to even translate it to us! He got it, but couldn't describe it in English. I'll look for it when I get home and post what it said at some point!

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^ Heh, it kind of reminded me of this little trio of "fortune tellers,"

outside the La Feria entrance gate...


I felt sad for the birds, actually. (TPR 2013 Mexico Tour)

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OMG Bill I totally would have paid for that one too! I try not to feel bad for the animals but a little part of me always does. In Guadalajara, there are lots of horse drawn carriages...none of the horses looked particularly thrilled to be there. It seemed to be common knowlege among the locals as well that none of them were too happy as well.


On the bright side, Mexico has recently banned animals in Circuses so at least they are working in the right direction!

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