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First Visit to Europa Park

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Hello everybody, and I want to thank you in advance for any help/suggestion you may be able to provide.


My fiance and I are traveling to Italy and Germany from March 20th-April 3rd for the first time. We shall be landing in Italy on Thursday March 21st. We'll be in Northern Italy and have plans until Sunday March 24th. Either that night or the next morning we will be traveling over to Germany, to stay with some friends over there. We would like to see a bit of Germany from March 25th-March 29th. During one of those days we are wanting to go over to Europa Park. Which leads me to my next few questions...(The basics)


First off, it is opening week for the park....and if it's like here in the states, I'm not sure what to expect. I've seen both ends of the spectrum...from super busy to very dead. If so, which would be the best day to attend? They open Saturday, March 23rd. I assume a weekday will be better, perhaps Tuesday or Wednesday...but I have no concept of what the society's schedule is over there (School/work).


Secondly, do they offer any kind of express pass options? As much of an enthusiast as I am, when it comes to international parks I'm not nearly as educated...and while I know I could research this all, I would much rather get opinions from locals and others who have visited the park before! I notice the park's hours are from 9am-6pm. Is this enough time to accomplish all major attractions with out an express pass on a standard to busy day?


Third....What are the high capacity and low capacity rides? As in, where should I go first and what can I hold off until later in the day. Are there rides that have long waits no matter what just due to low capacity or poor operation. I assume Blue Fire will be very busy.


Any gems I should be looking for? I am pretty aware of all the coasters there...but how about flats? Any crazy or rare flat rides I should make sure to get on? Also I really want to eat at Food Loop, any suggestions for that?


And Finally....in the surrounding area of Europa Park, or Frankfurt....is there any small park I can find that has those crazy self operated rides? Boat Jump, Butterfly, and those weird tumbling rides?


Thanks again so much...I hate to sound so ignorant on the topic but hey...I've not no experience with it haha. I look forward to any and all responses!


Aslo, forgot to address...It seems like quite a drive from where we are staying, any good or negative thoughts on the hotel right there on property? We notice they have no form of public transit that can reach the hotel...so should we just get up the few hours earlier and just do a day trip...or go for a room? Thanks!

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I wouldn't worry about crowds to much, Europa Park is Mack's showcase park so everything is run to top efficiency with some coasters running 5-6 trains, when I was there with TPR last year I was able to knock out the park in about 4 hours and it was pretty busy.


Though they don't offer any skip the line options there are several rides with single rider lines (Wodan & Blue Fire are two I know of) to save you a bit of time.


You definitely do not want to miss the dark rides, there are a TON and you really have to look for them. Also there are a good number of walk-throughs so keep your eye out for them. Also do not miss the park museum by Euro-Mir and of course Raclette in the Switzerland section.


For the hotels we stayed at the Colosseum hotel which was an amazing hotel. They also have several other hotels right on property highly recommend them.


Hope you enjoy your visit!

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Your timetable falls into most German states easter holidays. I'd try not to visit on the 29th of march as this is the public holiday Karfreitag.


If you try to catch all the coasters hit the wild mouse Matterhorn Blitz first as this ride has by design the lowest capacity. On Blue Fire an Wodan use the single rider lines if general waits exceed 15 minutes (Blue Fire) or 20 Minutes (Wodan). The water coasters are not overly wet an can be used with a light jacket even during colder weather.


If possible stay at the beautiful Europa-Park resort - you also get early entry into park one hour before general opening.

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Wow, thanks for the advice!


I'll be sure to keep an eye out for all of the dark rides and walk through attractions. Great suggestion on the single riders line, I was not aware they had those. I really appreciate all the help and I'm going to look into the resort right now, the early entrance could be a huge benefit! Also thank you for the advice on the water rides...I've always wanted to try those models out but didn't know if it was a horrible soaking or not. (I imagine it will still be a little chilly for those in March).


Both of you seemed to have answered everything I asked and more, so thank you very much! One last question...I don't have a problem with rough coasters, but my fiance's tolerance is much lower. Should I warn her or be prepared for any uncomfortable rides? Thanks again! (Although the only ride she has openly complained about is Beast) Thanks!


I am looking for the resort but I just did a general search through the website and it brings up several hotels. Is the one you mentioned specifically called The Europa park resort? Thanks!

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Answer to your question concerning the Resort. Europa Park Resort is the name of all five theme hotels.


Hotel Colosseo (4 star +) themed around the Roman Colosseum

Hotel Santa Isabel (4 star +) themed around a Portuguese Monastery

Hotel El Andaluz (4 stars) themed as a Spanish Villa

Hotel Castillo Alcazar (4 stars) themed as a Spanish Finca

Hotel Bell Rock (4 star +) themed around New England


I have been in all of them but Bell Rock, from the four Hotels I have already stayed I like Colosseo and Stanta Isabel the most. Both are pretty different. Colosseo is a cool and classy event hotel (in my opinion) and Santa Isabel has a very protected and escape-ish vibe.


In general I would say all of them are great - just take a look at the webpage and book what looks most appealing to you.


BTW if you are searching a low budget solution - take a look at the tipi village

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There're some differing opinions here on the board but I found Euro-SAT - the coaster inside the "Epcot"-globe - quite rough.


Oh, hush. EuroSAT is smooth as silk...if the silk were draped over Swiss cheese. Still, though, an AWESOME ride that the roughness doesn't detract from. I rode it at least 5 times in a row with TPR last year and had a jolly ol' time!

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Awesome, thanks for the hotel information! We are getting ready to book a room just working on narrowing it down. I figured that EuroSAT might be a little rough but I doubt it's nothing that will ruin the experience. I also am looking forward to finding the dark rides and walk throughs!!


Any suggestions on personal belongings? I usually have a tough time leaving my camera at home (slr) but when it comes to a new exciting location it's hard to not bring my gear. I'm debating if I should bring it due to limited time at the park. I really want to enjoy my experience and when I start taking pictures sometime's it's hard to stop. If I bring my camera, do they offer bins/or rentable storage areas incase I do want to take a few minutes to shoot?


One last question, best/cheapest way to get to Berlin from the Rust/Europa Park area. Preferably leaving at night (after 7pm)


(I hope this all is making sense, I had my tonsils removed this past week and these pain killers tend to make me lose focus haha )

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I did a comprehensive English language guide to visiting Europa-Park from the UK on towersstreet talk. Although some of the travel information isn't related to your visit (flights from UK) - the transfers and other information will be. You can view it:




Hopefully it'll help you a bit!

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