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My First Coaster Model

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I made this wooden coaster model a couple years ago. I couldn't afford one of those expensive kits at the time so I took a shot at my first scratch built ride. It was inspired by the Starliner at Miracle Strip Amusement Park. I got a lot of complements on it and hope you like it too.





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The model was built over a period of two months when I had spare time. The length measures between 3 - 4 feet. I used mostly square dowels and match sticks. The bunny hills were tricky to get a perfect curvature at the top, so a couple of them are a little off on smoothness. The station house I used a combo of the square dowels covered with a thin balsa type wood. I utilized railings from a couple of flat ride models I used to have. The grass and bushes I got from a typical hobby shop used mostly from model railroading. My little boy wants me to make one for him so I hope to start a second model sometime in the next couple months. When I build this next one I will be sure to share photos with this board when that happens. Thanks again for the feedback, it feels good to share what I've done with others. I hope too that you get a chance to enjoy my submissions for the Roller Coaster Tycoon game exchange.

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I like it. The layout definitely reminds me of the Starliner. Perhaps if the tops were smoothed out a bit on your next model. I think part of that could be eliminated by stretching out the hills a bit more, if you have room. The one thing I've hopefully finally learned about model building is that though most real life coasters look extemely steep, they in reality are not as steep as they often look, it's just when they are built full size, they look steep. Some coasters along this line would be most of the Arrow loopers, the Starliner for example. So you may be able to smooth the tops of the hills by keeping them a bit more proportional, looking at side views of real coaster hills (rcdb.com is a good source for pix) and perhaps making the track next time out of layered styrene plastic strips. Great job on your first model, sounds like a few folks around here would love to see what you come up with next! Peace, KC.

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  • 1 year later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Love the coaster and I LOVE the drive-in! I've always wanted to make a scale model Drive In, but a themed one that also serves as a putt putt and family fun center. The screen would be between to launch pads and star-shaped speakers that hang in the window. The concession stand would be in a big spacecraft and the dome on top would be where the projector is. Then there's one with a desert theme...I had forgotten all about those until I saw your pics!

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Everyone has to start somewhere. Patience is the biggest key to building a model from scratch. Model maker John Hunt was my inspiration. He has built some amazing coaster models. Check out his website sometime. Rollercoastermodels.com

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