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Toronto CNE Adds New Roller Coaster To Midway!

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The CNE posted on their Facebook page today that they will be adding a new coaster to the midway lineup. The coaster will be larger than both the Crazy Mouse and Niagara Falls




We are looking for a name and we need your help! North American Midway Entertainment in association with the Red River Exhibition in Winnipeg, the Capital Ex in Edmonton and the Canadian National Exhibition in Toronto is getting a new Roller Coaster that will be coming to a fair near you this summer! The new Roller Coaster is truly a “Thrill Ride” in every sense, intended to please the hardcore, thrill seeking midway rider. The New Coaster foot print is 185’ x 60’ travels at speeds of over 50 km up, down and through twisting turning hills. (Over 1,099 feet of track and is a larger in size than our Crazy Mouse and Niagara Falls Flume).


Here’s the thing: we cannot think of a name for our new Roller Coaster. So we are turning it over to you. Get your “wild and crazy” creative juices flowing and follow the link to our entry submission page to enter your name for the coaster. You must submit your entry between December 20th, 2011 and January 15th, 2012 to be eligible. The coaster name that you come up with could “be up in Lights” on our new Roller Coaster at Fairs and Exhibitions across North America. The contest winner will receive a four day trip to the Fair of your choice: The Red River Exhibition, Capital Ex or the Canadian National Exhibition. The trip includes round trip airfare for two, ground transportation, accommodation and tickets to the fair for two full days. The Winner will be chosen and announced January 25th, 2012.


Unleash your creativity and ENTER NOW!


Visit the site to enter: NAMEtheCoaster.com


(Source http://www.namethecoaster.com/)


I wonder which midway coaster this will be?

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Vekoma's Junior 355 m model is 1099 feet long. Examples are is Flight of the Hippogriff at Universal Orlando, and Woodstock Express at Cedar Point.


This is just a shot in the dark, though. They didn't give much info..



EDIT: I sort of overlooked the speed. The ride they described goes 50 km/h, while the Vekoma Junior 355m only goes 45 km/h...



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If that picture is correct, it looks like we're looking at either a Wildcat or a Galaxi? Or something to that effect?


I didn't see that picture. About 9 years ago the CNE had a Wildcat so maybe they are brining it back? Thanks for sharing.

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So happy that they are finally bringing back a coaster. Having only one, and a spinning mouse at that, kinda sucked.


I still think that they should re-build the flyer with GG or GCI.


The pic kind of looks like a Jet Star.


The midway was much more fun when they had the Mark I, Wildcat and Doppel Looper running in the same year. Bringing another coaster into the mix is always a good thing


The Mark 1 was fun. I think it was repainted (was all black at one point) and ran most recently in Conejo Valley/ So Cal fairs.


Coasters in the old CNE skyline (thanks Mark's Postcard Paradise!) :)


Finally bringing another coaster in. The "Name that Coaster" pic

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^That belonged to Conklin Shows. They stopped operating large fairs a while back. Not sure what ever happened to the Doppel Looper though. The fact that they had to push the train onto the lift, you had lap bars only and it was portable made it one of the scariest rides


So any name ideas? The "Wow" coaster? The "I can't believe I'm not a spinning mouser" coaster?

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