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Hopi Hari - New areas of Looney Tunes and Justice League

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Hi guys!


In March, the Hopi Hari released a 10-year contract with Warner Bros. Consumer Products which provided a new area of Looney Tunes (substitutions the theme of Sesame Street) and also an area of ??the Justice League and a space with the theme of Penelope Pitstop.


Two months ago began the work in both areas, Infantasia (later to receive the Looney Tunes theme) and Aribabiba that will receive the theme of the Justice League). Scheduled for opening in December, the area of Looney Tunes is being finalized. While the area of the Justice League started the works for a short time and want to open in January.


I was at Hopi Hari in last friday and I could give a bit as they were the works. Here are some photos of the sixth and last Sunday, we posted on our fan site (http://portalhopiharimania.blogspot.com):


426343958_TheLooneyTunesShow.thumb.jpg.b0517fa40819eaafda17ed61d0462a74.jpgThe new Looney Tunes Show began airing at Theatro di Kaminda temporarily in the region of Kaminda Mundi. Upon completion of the works will begin to be displayed in Klap Klap Looney Tunes Show.


1662709720_TheLooneyTunesShow(2).thumb.jpg.d00e9cbf20a6676e0cdb8a6a79e3208d.jpgThe Looney Tunes Show


Fonte.thumb.jpg.ca17d53dd14419e78b3bcbe1a5216d23.jpgThis will be a fountain. It is not yet finished.


1316550004_Fonte2.thumb.jpg.17a2d2a81189005cc24bb81315f6dbc7.jpgThis will be a fountain. It is not yet finished.


483729376_Banners(2).thumb.jpg.ad540eda92dcd8db2683d0fc803e7d11.jpgLooney Tunes banners


1479642542_Banners(1).thumb.jpg.e3c57c849df120458a1cb89a75c579c4.jpgLooney Tunes banners


1581267119_MarvinKonfront(1).thumb.jpg.6292cf440ecdbdf2c74f6ce9f61e9972.jpgMarvin Konfront (In English: "Starring: Marvin, the Martian" | Scene: Marvin controlate humans to dominate the planet.") new atraction


364499378_MarvinKonfront(2).thumb.jpg.f9f310ca8a551f9dab8671bde58310bb.jpgMarvin Konfront (new atraction)


1910054684_Lokolor.thumb.jpg.a8930f9db4cc5eac46317b94c5e62c8b.jpg'Lokolorê' with Taz-Mania theme


1078986545_LevaTraz.thumb.jpg.cfd7080dbcb29324ab6c44dcf732da43.jpg'Leva í Traz' - A mini-truck ride for children and parents


1000046039_LatadeLixo.thumb.jpg.60ac697893275145b57fb8d54935cfa4.jpgGarbage Can


1884313923_Loja(2).thumb.jpg.2e2789c497fe671d97d06d96f8e268e5.jpg'Studio Shop'


1129230404_LigadaJustia.thumb.jpg.f4608b362ce84129edfbe3769189a760.jpgJustice League area... Coming soon.. under construction!


1227168014_LigadaJustia2.thumb.jpg.5a249e9f6990ce7b50c7fa261e8bc5db.jpgJustice Palace....under construction!


772970922_PalcioLigadaJustia.thumb.jpg.ec1de40c180c53be54fff64c0866a1e7.jpg'Fake parking lot' graphite


Katapul.thumb.jpg.261e97600e6075ca9eae045f25431991.jpg'Katapul' (shuttle loop) - That will receive the theme of Superman!


Coming soon new photos of reforms.


Remember that in April 2012, the Hopi Hari will inaugurate a new roller coaster 10 inversions , which promises to be an unprecedented manufacture of Intamin. We wait.


(Sorry for any error in writing, I'm still training my English.)




Edited by Lucas.Almeida
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That's what I keep hearing which is why we've scheduled for then! Plus we'll use the World Cup cleanup to help our visit as well!


It would be so great! The Brazilian coaster enthusiasts have been waiting so long for a TPR visit! This really means a lot to us, because our amusement parks are starting to grow and a visit like that would improve the international visits in the brazilian parks!


Stay tuned, me and Lucas will always posting some nice photos of Hopi Hari's rehab here!

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  • 1 month later...

Heey, Folks!

I come up with new photos of the new area of the park ... Infantasia Looney Tunes show. But my friend Lucas, will repost the current pictures for me


Oh, and it was published the new television commercial advertising the premiere of the new area Infantasia - Looney Tunes Show.




In Portal Hopi Hari Mania , we are always updating the events in the park.

Visit: http://www.portalhopiharimania.blogspot.com/ check for more photos on the new areas, and the new coaster. Hugs.


Edited by Fabio.Abrantes
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  • 4 weeks later...

I'm excited of how Katapult will be re-themed as Superman.


What I don't like about the new kid's area is it is based on the NEW Looney Tunes, which I personally find horrible and a disgrace to the old Looney Tunes. I wish they would've themed it to the original Looney Tunes that we all love.

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Photos of the area premiere of Looney Tunes Show only to guests in January.



Infantasia Theme Area - Looney Tunes Show








Snack bar - Snacks do Gaguinho



Dispenkito da Vovó






Studio Shopi (Store)






Klapi Klapi Looney Tunes Show (Theater)



Klapi Klapi Looney Tunes Show (Theater)



Klapi Klapi Looney Tunes Show (Theater)



Klapi Klapi Looney Tunes Show (Theater)




Missing some finishes in the area, but everything is being completed in time.

Aribabiba The area that will receive the Justice League characters now follows closed for reform that should be ready in April.


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