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Need advice on Digital Cameras


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Hello all, I was wondering if I could get some input. I'm looking into buying a Digital camera. I'm a noob at this and I want some nice pictures. What do you guys recommend? I want something that nots too expenisve, and not too cheap. I just want a good camera. I hope you can help me decide! Thanks in advance.

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There's a handful of options out there, different types of cameras as I'm sure you're aware of. Personally, when I'm not using my DSLR, I like to take along my "Mega Zoom" camera which is a little thicker than a point & shoot (depending on the model you get). The mega zoom cameras allow the manual controls an SLR (as well as an 'auto mode'), plus a generous zoom (usually 10-12x optical zoom) at the size of something you can stuff in your pocket. These range around $200-300ish. If you aren't aware, Optical Zoom > Digital Zoom as you're using lenses to magnify the image rather than resampling the image at a larger size.


I have not used any other cameras other than Canon so I can't really help you out there other than saying 'get a Canon.' Seriously though, get a Canon, you won't be disappointed.

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Panasonic Travel Zoom Series.........


DMCTZ18 or TZ20, they are both fantastic cameras, Lens made by Leica, full HD recording for video too, massive zoom range and exceptionally high quality photos.....


However, in America I believe these models are called the ZS8 & ZS10.


Go and try one out at a camera store, you will not be disappointed.

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I've tried some brands, but I always got back to Canon because they are easy to use and very powerful for a reasonable price.


This is a model that's great for travelling, amazing shots while it fits in your pocket:



And if you want to go up a bit, take this, but it will not fit in your pocket anymore :


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I've tried some brands, but I always got back to Canon because they are easy to use and very powerful for a reasonable price.


This is a model that's great for travelling, amazing shots while it fits in your pocket:




Exactly what I was thinking as I own a Power Shot SX100is. Obviously it's an older model now but still works great, takes great photos.

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  • 1 month later...
Panasonic Travel Zoom Series.........


DMCTZ18 or TZ20, they are both fantastic cameras, Lens made by Leica, full HD recording for video too, massive zoom range and exceptionally high quality photos.....


However, in America I believe these models are called the ZS8 & ZS10.


Go and try one out at a camera store, you will not be disappointed.


I've used a Panasonic Lumix for the last five years, and I really like it. In fact, I'm thinking of getting a new Lumix that's a step up from my old one.

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I use a Sony DCS-TX5 Cybershot. Its small and it's waterproof. Which is great for water parks and water rides. It also has a sliding cover and optical zoom. It takes 720p HD video, takes great low light shots, and has an amazing panoramic feature. There is a newer model the DSC-TX10



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Myself having a Nikon D-700 with all the extra's, but my girlfriend has a Nikon P-100. That i also like to use because it's much easier to carry around.


The best advice i can give you, choose the best camera that you can find according to your own opinion. But i think that the best sort of camera for you is a megazoom with a powerfull lens. search for a camera that starts at a F2.8 and a big zoom objective. If it's a Nikon,Canon or something else doesn;t really matter.


Also keep in mind that the megazoom camera's take better pictures most of the time, then cheaper DSLR's versions.

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