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What's up with all the Facebook likes?


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Great idea with the Facebook Like, but just a suggestion, have you tried making the facebook like logo the same size as the Quote button, pop it alongside either the quote or the report buttons and it will probably look quite good...


....By the way, I have no idea about coding (rewind 10 years and I did, should have kept it up!) so not trying to tell you all how to do stuff, just a suggestion

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Great idea with the Facebook Like, but just a suggestion, have you tried making the facebook like logo the same size as the Quote button, pop it alongside either the quote or the report buttons and it will probably look quite good...


still seeing the button(s)??

that's weird since they have been pulled for the time being...

Edited by Hhappy
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Great idea with the Facebook Like, but just a suggestion, have you tried making the facebook like logo the same size as the Quote button, pop it alongside either the quote or the report buttons and it will probably look quite good...

Yes, that is because it's still IN PROGRESS!!!! Please - I thought I made it clear before - keep the comments to yourself until the feature is "done" - Backseat driving on something like this only pisses other people off.


We know what we're doing. We don't need "suggestions" 12 hours into a project. Give the experts time to do their jobs and FINISH THEIR WORK before bitching and complaining. Honestly, it feels like we can't go 30 seconds after trying a new feature on the forum before someone opens their mouth and vomits "suggestions" and "comments" about it. Don't you READ the forums?!?! Don't you see that when a new feature is ready to be tested we ASK YOU ALL FOR INPUT?!?!? WAIT FOR IT BITCHES!!!! We will LET YOU KNOW when we are ready for your input.


Every time someone posts something stupid like this, which requires one of us to respond, it means we are spending time responding to dumb crap instead of WORKING ON THE THING YOU ARE BITCHING ABOUT !!!!!!!


It makes our job harder, more annoying, and feels unappreciated. In short - SHUT UP! And let us do our work!!!



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