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California Trip


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Hi guys,


My family will be taking a holiday to California next year and there was an idea that we each pick three things we want to go see. Obviously I choose a themepark! But I don't know what else there is to visit. Heres my list at the moment...


1. Six Flags Magic Mountain

2.Knotts Berry Farm

3. ??????????


Does anyone have any ideas on where else we could go. Disney is out of the question as that is compulsory as well as the Grand Canyon.


Thanks for your help!

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Whats wrong with california?


A lot. #1 - It's not Florida!


Seriously though, are you looking for another Theme Park? Are you going to be ALL over California, or just Southern California? If you give us a few more details we'll be able to help better.

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Yeah, like I said, maybe you should give us some more information then. Mummy is a good solid ride, not boring. If you're some 14 year old brit kid looking for Thorpe Park just stick with SFMM and Knott's and don't go anywhere else.


Sea World is in San Diego, at least two hours (with no traffic) from the LA Area. It has nothing nearly as exciting as Universal.

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Okay, so I'll put Universal on the list. I'm not really fond of Thorpe park as its just a load of concrete on Islands with a load of coasters on it. I prefer Parks like Alton Towers, But when I go to Magic Mountain I'll say hi to Gertrude!

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South California area. (LA up to the grand canyon wherever that is and Beverly Hills to meet my relatives. Yep, they live there!

Side Note: If you're looking for the Grand Canyon in California, you may be a bit disappointed.


Yeah I know but The family are going there somehow.

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