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New Designed Intamin Website!

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I was amazed when I saw Intamins newly designed website today. It's much better than the old version and easier to use. It does take a while to load but you will see the differences! I might take a while looking around!


Link: http://www.intaminworldwide.com/


Please tell us what you think of it.


The Front page (and the blonde chick!)


The rollercoaster menu!

Edited by tiger01
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Why doesn't the blonde have her own page?


Because they like giving you a little teasing. Intimidator has it's own page though. Millennium Force only shows up three times in the PDF File.


Hasn't this been there for quite a while now? I remember seeing this last year...


No, i believe that the site went down for a period of time early this year and now it is re-designed.

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