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They could crank the speed up, but it wouldnt be safe, like I said, just a few mph makes ALL the difference, KK makes it up 36 feet of track with just 8 mph extra speed, so if TTD did say, 130 mph, it would absoloutly rocket over the top hat, and it wouldnt be comfortable - or safe, it would put too great a stress on the riders and over time, the trains.

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I just got back from CP today and TTD is running so much better now than in the last few seasons. And the whole time I was there I only saw it roll back once. TTD I noticed crests the tophat at about 10-15 mph in the early morning, then during the day it slows wayyyy down to about 4-5 mph over time. I got 7 rides in the two days I was there and only once did we come close to a roll back but in reality it just took the tophat slowly.


Colin C

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