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[RCT3] Wessex Life Museum

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March 2010


Hi there! I'm Ryan Carter and I'm new on here. I'm from a small village just outside of Winchester in England, a couple of miles from the Wessex Life Museum.


The main sign for the museum.

The place is quite popular with families with kids who're doing the Anglo-Saxons at school but it's been a bit quiet recently.


The car park's looking a bit empty.

It's basically a small open air museum with a couple of Anglo-Saxon recreation buildings around a small pond.


Two of the buildings.

The main attraction is the mock jousting tournament held every Saturday and Sunday during the summer.


The jousting arena with the horse paddock behind.

I'm not sure how long it'll be around for though as there's rumours that the museum could be hit hard by budget cuts and may even have to be closed entirely! I'll let you guys know if I hear anything new.


Note: this is my first attempt at a proper RCT3 park and I don't have any CS.

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Hi again. They're saying in the local paper that the Wessex Life Museum's been brought by a group of local businessmen known as Wessex Investments Group Ltd. They've said they'll keep the museum open and will be investing in it over the coming years to "broaden WLM's existing customer base whilst continuing to honour Hampshire's proud history".


Overview of the site of the museum - there's quite a lot of land.


Update: I went past the museum yesterday and there's already something going on there. They've fenced off a large area next to the entrance path and taken down part of the mock town wall.


The construction site - I wonder what they're going to put there?

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The new area of the Wessex Life Museum has opened! Wessex Investments Group (WIG), the museum's new owners revealed a few weeks ago that they were installing some 'fun fair-style' rides as part of their efforts to attract more visitors to the WLM.


I had a chance to go down there yesterday and got a few pics to share with you. As you can see they've put in a Merry-Go-Round, Helter Skelter and a Tea Cups ride and a new shop.


The new area from the path up to the entrance.


The entrance to the new area from inside the park.


The new rides really seem to be getting more people in - especially the Tea Cups!


The shop they've put in. It sells kids' accessories.

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First, thanks for all the comments! Now for the update...


Wessex Life Museum has opened for it's first full season since it was brought by WIG Ltd. and it seems they've been busy over the winter with the construction of an open air theatre behind the pond. They'll be putting on historical plays set in the Anglo-Saxon and medieval times. It looks really good IMO - I just hope the weather this year's better than it was last year!


The new stage building seen from outside the main visitor center (on the main path).


A view from the edge of the audience area. They put seats out when there's a performance on.


Looking back towards the entrance, the stage is on the right while the accessories shop they added last year can just be seen on the left.

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Sorry it's been a while but I managed to get up to the museum again today and it's definately a lot busier than it was last year! The new fairground area and shows really seem to be paying off!


Crowds on the main path.

The jousting arena's been a bit quiet recently though - probably something to do with the fenced off area behind it.


Part of the arena's been fenced off.

Coming up the main path to the entrance it's clear something big's coming to the park.


What's that black thing peaking out from behind the fence?


...it looks like some rollercoaster tracks! :D

It looks like next year's going to be a big one for the WLM!

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WLM's reopened for its second season under WIG and with it comes it's first rollercoaster! The coaster's an indoor wild mouse called Wessex Manor and is themed in the same medieval style as the rest of WLM. As Wessex Manor's been build in front of where the entrance was, a new entrance has also been built as part of the project.


The new entrance from the main path. As the entrance has been built on the path from the car park to the old entrance, this is now the only way into WLM.

Coming through the new entrance, Wessex Manor is an imposing sight on the left.


Wessex Manor's sign and entrance, viewed from by the Merry-Go-Round.


Wessex Manor's train in the station. The entrance is on the right.


Guests enjoying the ride!


The ride's certainly popular!

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Wessex Manor has been a great addition to the WLM, and the carpark always seems to be pretty full everytime I've been past there during the weekends or school holidays. I went up there last week to have another ride on it and it seems that WIG are planing further improvements for next year as they've pulled down the information centre next to Wessex Manor.


The former site of the information center. Wessex Manor's exit is behind it.

Round the corner, the jousting arena's also been removed and is being temporarily used for a fireworks display.


The display area during the day. The fencing in front is temporary.

The fireworks are to celebrate the 2012 London Olympics, with the olympic ríngs forming the centrepeice of the display.


The blue, yellow, white, green and red olympic ríngs.


The fireworks reflected in the central pond.


A pic released by WLM showing the fireworks from above the woods at the back of the site.


PS: Why is it changing r.i.n.g.s to 'ringy dingy ding-a-ling dings'?

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