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SFDK Boomerang Stalls Midcourse

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Awesome comment and maybe it will set some of these people straight. I totally agree with all that you said. Wasn't it something like a million times more likely to get hurt in your car driving there than on any ride? As far as lifts not being tall enough, if they weren't tall enough the circuit would not be completed. If the train gets stuck in the cobra it could be because the lift cable snapped, or the train was released too soon, or something on the train is causing excessive drag, or one of many other things.

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The young man with the curly blonde hair at the beginning of the KTVU story is my youngest son Gabriel. He was on that train with my oldest son, my step-daughter and her two cousins. They all like to ride coasters and will still go on other rides but will not go on Boomerang again. IMO, it was the uncertainty of how long they would be up there and the suddenness of how they were brought back down that scared them. Will it stop me from riding it again?... No. But I'm not their age and I wasn't on that train with them so I'm not going to fault them for their decision not to ride it again.


They did get free passes to come back to the park and Flash Passes to finish out their day, but they also came home with very bad sunburns on their faces, necks and arms. Heat or no heat, UV's can do the most damage sitting still facing directly into the sun.

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The young man with the curly blonde hair at the beginning of the KTVU story is my youngest son Gabriel. He was on that train with my oldest son, my step-daughter and her two cousins. They all like to ride coasters and will still go on other rides but will not go on Boomerang again. IMO, it was the uncertainty of how long they would be up there and the suddenness of how they were brought back down that scared them. Will it stop me from riding it again?... No. But I'm not their age and I wasn't on that train with them so I'm not going to fault them for their decision not to ride it again.


They did get free passes to come back to the park and Flash Passes to finish out their day, but they also came home with very bad sunburns on their faces, necks and arms. Heat or no heat, UV's can do the most damage sitting still facing directly into the sun.


15-30 minutes in direct sunlight does not cause bad sunburns (I would know, I'm Irish) especially if you have sunscreen on. You are implying that the delay on Boomerang caused this?


In reality, spending the whole day at the park can get one sunburned quite nicely as well. (And is my assumption for the "very bad sunburns" as you mentioned they had burns on their faces, necks AND arms.

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I didn't put my post on here to whine or to dispute anybody elses comments, only to state my side of the story as the media does tend to twist and omit certain facts from their reports. Your response to my post seems to imply that I'm exagerating what happened so here is my reply to your post...


Yes I do know how sunburns can be caused and no I'm not implying that being stuck on the ride caused this... it's a fact. "In reality" they were stuck on the ride for just over an hour, not for 15-30 minutes as you so ignorantly stated.

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Slightly off topic in regards to Boomerang but SFDK made it in the news again for a different, even more unfortunate reason.

VALLEJO (KGO) -- Vallejo police are on the hunt for two suspects who they say took thousands of dollars from Six Flags Discovery Kingdom.


Investigators say just before 11 p.m. Sunday, two armed men, wearing black hooded sweatshirts and masks cut a hole in the amusement park's fence and robbed several employees who had been collecting the day's receipts.


The park was closed at the time. Police don't have a good suspect description, but, are reviewing surveillance video.

Source: http://abclocal.go.com/kgo/story?section=news/local/north_bay&id=7652464


Yea, I've heard Vallejo's a pretty rough area and seems to have gotten a bit rougher, but people cutting holes into fences now? They must have been determined to get that cash. Hopefully the police find the suspects.


Before this thread becomes a huge mish-mash of stuff, is there already an SFDK-dedicated thread? If not, anyone care to convert this thread to an 'official SFDK thread'?

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