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Photo TR: The Wizarding World of Harry Potter

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My point was actually that people seem to consider HP 'kids' films and Spiderman/Iron Man not kids films - yet Spiderman is more aimed at kids - the mtv award was used to highlight this (you can't tell me anyone over the age of 16 watches mtv any more - no music and crappy shows about awful people aimed at 14 year old girls)

And I was dismayed that there are certain people that refuse to give them a try because of the opinion they are for 'kids' but will go and see Iron Man 2 15 times.

I also never claimed that it was high art at all - but was trying to point out that you don't usually find some of the greatest actors around in Ninja Kids 5 or Beethovens 14th or whatever passes as 'kids' movies these days.


And it was my opinion that the Super hero movies were celluloid crap - I personally think they are terrible films - and while there are great actors in them, I think that they are terrible in them - Jeff Bridges especially in Iron Man (the exception to this is Alfred Molina - the only watchable thing in SM2 and only for the first half or so). They seem to think superhero movie = hamming it up (I hate Christain Bale's 'Batman voice' for the same reason, it's just awful)

By your argument then Catwoman is a great movie because Halle Berry was an oscar winning actress and we all know that isn't the case. The X-Men has the same argument - too many of these huge stars phone it in as they know they ain't getting an oscar from it but they might get an action figure and a sequel or two, and it pays the bills.


The HP movies are brilliantly cast and acted movies - that's the difference.

So I believe I have no need of 'getting over' myself at all - was merely trying to point out that there seems to be a imbalance in some people's opinion.

You don't like superheroes, some of us don't like unicorns and wizards. That's what it comes down to. Quit playing it off as a "high art vs. celluloid crap" argument. They're all just "popcorn movies" anyway.



Adam, great continued coverage.

Edited by BeemerBoy
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A brief world from one of your Friendly Neighborhood Site Moderators--If you wish to discuss how much you love/hate superhero movies compared to Harry Potter movies, please do so here: Movies, Movies, Movies.


I now return you to the Wizarding World thread, which is already in progress.


^ Do you like Cream Soda? If you do, you will like Butterbeer.


Hmm--not crazy about cream soda, but I do love butterscotch. Reckon I'll have to try it.

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Actually the parks were really dead last Sunday. Forbidden Journey did not have a wait longer than 20 minutes at most. Most of all the other rides at IOA were walk-ons. I am sure that will all change in 4 days. At least Forbidden Journey is a very high capacity attraction.

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Robb -

You should get on a plane immediately. The Forbidden Journey of Harry Potter is the most advanced dark ride experience yet created. Take Spiderman, mash it with Soaring, Shreck 4D theater effects and the Haunted Mansion and put you on a seat at the end of Kuka robotic arm on a track (where because of the design you are NOT aware of anyone around you) that can thrust you right in the middle of an Omnimax screen on your back, then swing you face down to meet an animatronic dragon right in your face, then drop you into a scenic of a spider's lair, then flying high over a Quidditch field -- every single person who comes off the ride says the same thing: AWESOME! Plus the queue is extraordinary. And Butterbeer is addictively delicious!

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I got a chance to get over there last Sunday (June 13)...as stated eariler, it was a 'near perfect day'. Rode FJ four times and never waited more than 20 minutes. While I am not sure the 'storyline' was the best (in particular, MINI-SPOILER, the spider scene seems too long); the technological and engineering accomplishments are unmatched. Things are achieved that have never even been tried before.

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Everybody feels there is just too much Spider time. Would have liked more Quidditch time. NOTE TO THE EASILY QUEASY: you do get a touch of motion sickness on the ride, mostly when you're moving forward while on your back (shades of the Vekoma flying coasters). When I spoke to some IoA execs, they told me they did a lot of testing to set the ride to take riders right to the edge of motion sickness

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