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Magic Mountain Trip Report & Guide *UPDATED*

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I rode X2 first thing during ERT at WCB and thought it was amazing. I believe I sat front row, left side, outside seat the first ride and then somewhere towards the back the second ride. Neither of those rides was rough at all, to the point where it actually shocked me how not rough it was.


Then came the night time ERT. I don't remember exactly which row we sat in, although I'm pretty sure it was towards the front (or maybe even was the front). I rode on the inside this time around, and it didn't matter. That thing beat the ever living crap out of me. However, the memory of the morning rides stuck with me a little more, since I had two excellent rides against one bad one. It's sitting pretty at #4 on my steel list.

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I never have any headbanging on X2. Of course, I get the OTSR down as far as I can on it without crushing my shoulders. (I wish a lot of other rides would incorporate some sort of vertically adjustable OTSRs.)



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I never have any headbanging on X2. Of course, I get the OTSR down as far as I can on it without crushing my shoulders. (I wish a lot of other rides would incorporate some sort of vertically adjustable OTSRs.)




On my second ride, I left about an inch between my shoulders and the restraint. For some reason, there was a ton of room between my chest and the front of the restraint though. (Which gave me plenty of room to bang around) I tried to close it, but it wouldn't budge. Oh well, not like that would of done anything anyway, because my restraint opened up some during the drop...talk about plenty of room.


Yeah, I kind of wish arrow coasters had vertically adjustable OSTRs. Viper (and probably Ninja) would benefit greatly from those. Taller people have to somewhat slouch in order to fit, due to the low hinge on the restraint.

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In a case like WCB where we have morning and night time ERT X2 will be my first and last ride of the day. If I am just going to the park without ERT then X is a one ride for me. X2 is weird for me, I really like it, but it is rough, and after riding my shoulders ache, its very bearble but it seems to last all day. Tatsu is also a strange ride for me, because around when it opened it was my number one, but every time I've gone since it has ranked slightly lower. Riddler's is now my favorite ride in the park, and arguably what I believe is So Cals greatest steel coaster besides maybe Accelerator, which I love for the crazy back seat airtime it provides, but its a bit short. Termy, though, is easily So Cals best wooden coaster, but I have never ridden either Giant Dipper, so I cant rank those. Awesome TR though!

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Thanks again for all the replies and compliments!


But all is not said and done. Yet.


Originally, I was going to have a larger, more descriptive version of my TR than what I first had, but I wanted to get it posted. Improvements and additions will come later, and my first addition was just recently added. The Extra Remark section.


Hope you all enjoy. More to come later.

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I rode X2 first thing during ERT at WCB and thought it was amazing. I believe I sat front row, left side, outside seat the first ride and then somewhere towards the back the second ride. Neither of those rides was rough at all, to the point where it actually shocked me how not rough it was.


Then came the night time ERT. I don't remember exactly which row we sat in, although I'm pretty sure it was towards the front (or maybe even was the front). I rode on the inside this time around, and it didn't matter. That thing beat the ever living crap out of me. However, the memory of the morning rides stuck with me a little more, since I had two excellent rides against one bad one. It's sitting pretty at #4 on my steel list.


I don't understand. How does the ride fluctuate so much in terms of ride quality? It almost seems like a gamble, one that depends on what train you get, as well as what seat you get. Maybe it even depends on environmental factors as well...?


Sorry again, I'm just trying to get all the help I can when it comes to X2. Great report by the way, I like the new additions.

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Yeah, on X2 I really try and get the restraint as tight as possible (much easier now that I've lost about 40 lbs).


Really? Yeah, I guess that's better than leaving more room to bang around in.


Whenever I get down there, I'll have to try that. Hope my shoulders come out intact...

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I've never had any issues with my shoulders---even when the original trains ran on X. For me, it was the leg banging that did me in. It's been said many times, but some sort of leg restraints similar to Tatsu's would have been a blessing.



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Yeah, on X2 I really try and get the restraint as tight as possible (much easier now that I've lost about 40 lbs).


Really? Yeah, I guess that's better than leaving more room to bang around in.


Whenever I get down there, I'll have to try that. Hope my shoulders come out intact...


That worked better for me. I had my restraint closed tighter on the first ride, yet my shoulders felt it more that way. (The restraint is rounded where it touches your shoulders, and it tends to nearly "dig into" them.) BTW, that restraint is not soft at all, that's why I love the soft head rest, it's the only source of comfort your body will come in contact with...


On the second ride, I was being hit a lot more in the chest, sides, and head from restraint. Think of it this way: It was like a golf ball in a paint can being put on a paint mixer... and I was the golf ball. (Yeah, it beats you up good and it does it fast!)


*My second addition was recently added. The Ride Tips section. Along with a couple other tweaks. In case anyone is interested*

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^^ That's funny because I've never had a problem with leg banging on X/X2. The problems I've had were always with headbanging and having my shoulders bounce off the restraints. Most of this has happened to me in the outside seats though. When I've sat on the inside I've hardly ever had any problems and even when there was some roughness it was reduced to the point that it wasn't painful which is why I plan to sit on the inside from now on.

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In the past I had problems with leg banging but for a while I don't anymore, I think it is mainly how I place my legs and feet. I think a Tatsu like leg restraint would eliminate alot of the feeling of freedom from the ride. One thing that annoyed me in the past was when the ride ops would push the restraint down to where it would be right on my shoulders, which of course really made it uncomfortable. But it has been a while since the last time the ride ops had done that.

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^^ That's funny because I've never had a problem with leg banging on X/X2. The problems I've had were always with headbanging and having my shoulders bounce off the restraints. Most of this has happened to me in the outside seats though. When I've sat on the inside I've hardly ever had any problems and even when there was some roughness it was reduced to the point that it wasn't painful which is why I plan to sit on the inside from now on.


What do you mean by "bounce off the restraints?" Were the restraints actually against your shoulders to begin with, or did you just consistently smash into them?


I guess if the inside seat is that much better, I will just ride there for my first rides. (I'm not sure if I ever will try the outside ones)


And, what does everyone mean by leg banging?

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And, what does everyone mean by leg banging?

I am totally sure someone else can explain this better, but I'll try.

Your legs bounce around, and at one point may fly outside of the area of the seat and get knocked against the outside, which is pretty painful. (Not sure if that sounds dangerous, but it isn't.)

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You know how on X2 your legs are free to move around just like B&M invert or a SLC. Well leg banging is when your legs get whipped back in forth during the ride and they hit the bottom of the seat really hard. I'm refering to the bottom of the seat as the part that your legs are touching when your legs are at rest. (The part your calves touch)

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I see now. At first I was guessing it was your two legs banging together, but that sounded a bit weird.


So I guess your calves, along with the rest of you, are quite sore when the ride is through...


Thanks for defining that term, I've never heard it before. I guess it's mainly known in behalf of Arrow 4th dimensions (I hope).


(Holy crap, this ride is freakin' me out! I've never really been 'hurt' on a coaster before)

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