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I looked up the coaster on rcdb, this is interesting, I quote "It is rumored an individual from Melbourne bought the coaster at auction with plans to set it up at his home."


I don't know what happened with that, I'd be surprised if anyone did. Unless Luna Park Melbourne got it.

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Wait a minute, does mean that there is a credit out there that Robb and Elissa have missed? Blasphemy!

LOL! I read this and I was thinking "Actually, Elissa DOES have the credit!!!"


And then I saw she responded...


--Robb "It's a powered coaster so technically I wouldn't even count it..." Alvey

Edited by robbalvey
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Wait a minute, does mean that there is a credit out there that Robb and Elissa have missed? Blasphemy!

LOL! I read this and I was thinking "Actually, Elissa DOES have the credit!!!"


And then I saw she responded...


--Robb "It's a powered coaster so technically I wouldn't even count it..." Alvey

It was made by Zamperla! A similar coaster, Sky Train can be found at the Dragon Centre shopping mall!

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Thankyou so much for posting this! I used to live in Adelaide, and this was my first ever credit. Didn't know it was powered, I guess I was too young to even comprehend it. I think I'll make an exception and count this one


I remember we went to the park the week it closed. I'd always been too short for the ride and I used to cry every time I got measured. The day I was tall enough was a few days before it closed for good


I remember there was also a ghost train... I've only got vague child memories about it, though. No idea what it was really like. Does anyone know anything about it? Any pictures or anything would blow my mind. Oh, man, Dazzleland! I used to play in the ball pit while my mum had lunch.

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