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[RCT2] Six Flags Fiesta Mexico

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Anything that's dirt is incomplete. Anything that isn't dirt is 'complete,' unless revision is necessary. Which it probably is.


Constructive criticism is very much appreciated! I'm not looking to be perfect, but I'm looking to have fun and to get a little better every step of the way.


Six Flags Fiesta Mexico

The walkway to the park between the lots on either side. These lots will most likely be expanded later on.

The entrance to the park. In front are ticket booths, and behind is the actual entrance.

The small town that greets guests after the entrance and leads to the larger town circle.

The higher-class town circle, which serves to anchor the entrance area.


Prospective Areas:

-Entrance/Town Circle - a higher-class town overlooking the river.

-"Old Town" - an older Mexican town, i.e. robbie92's SFSF entrance area.

-"Southwest Territory" - a western area, as seen in a number of SF parks.

-"Gotham City" - pretty self-explanatory, and very necessary.


I think that one more area would round the park out, and so look for another to be added to the list. Any ideas, throw 'em out there. Also, if anyone knows of any older Mexican towns, please do give me a name. I'd much rather give "Old Town" a real name, as that's really only a placeholder.


Hopefully this turns out to be a nice park. It's my first real attempt at a full one, so we'll see how that goes!

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I really like the Ticket booth and entrance.


I think maybe you have to much of the same building style in the entrance area. Maybe try using some different roof tiles? Dont get me wrong, it looks awesome, but something about it is not meshing.


Perhaps maybe we could se some more 'fiesta' going on?

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School's back in session tomorrow (after twelve days off, thanks to all this snow) and so updates are probably going to be pretty slow-coming as we try to catch back up to where we would be had we not gotten hit with three feet of snow. They'll fluctuate with my workload: homework + real work = no update, easy day + day off = update (at least in the works)! But for now, replies!


I really like the Ticket booth and entrance.


I think maybe you have to much of the same building style in the entrance area. Maybe try using some different roof tiles? Dont get me wrong, it looks awesome, but something about it is not meshing.


Perhaps maybe we could se some more 'fiesta' going on?

Thanks! And I'm in between agreeing that there needs to be more variety in the entrance area and being really content with what's there. I think I'm definitely going to rework the area before the circle, but I think the circle is going to be as-is, maybe with minor changes.


I LOVE the parking lot.


But i agree with Hydra that there does seem to be alot of the same tile work and similar building styles.


I also dont like the yellow surrounding the fountain...


But your horticulture is top notch!

Muchos gracias! I wasn't sure about the parking lots, glad to see somebody likes them! And the fountain's colors have been the most messed-with thing of this park so far. Deciding on them has been a pain, and I'm sure there'll be plenty more variations by the time it's all said and done.


Also, 2112 is one of my favorite Rush songs.

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Your off to a really good start but now try to make your buildings a little more detailed, for instance try adding a trim on the rooves with deco pieces and stuff like that so it looks more refined.


Its not really a problem right now but try to prevent the buildings from looking repetitive, this mostly cuz they're all brick and all have the same roof texture, this might be a problem in the future...


Also try to make your buildings more making a pattern like a row instead of all seperate buildings that way it'll look more mainstreet and more themeparkisch if you get the point, just look up some pics of mainstreets and you'll know what I mean

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