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Disneyland Paris in the snow Photo TR


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Great pictures, but makes me a little sad that the reason Disney never built a park where Canada's Wonderland now stands was because the climate and short operating season.


Same thing happened here in Vancouver, decades ago. Disney himself apparently came up here to "have a look around" in the start of the 60's to see if another Disney park would work "in another country" (hah). Decided the weather wouldn't work in it's favor.


Who knew they'd figure it out and go for it in Tokyo, Paris and Hong Kong?


Disney Paris with snow looks awesome. Would love to visit, all bundled up for the outdoor attractions (Big Thunder - yes!) and afterwards all those hot drinks and toddies to kill the chill around the fireplace at the Sequoia Inn, lol.

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The whole "rides running in the snow" thing I expected, but the parade?!?! That looked like an awfully big snow flurry and yet there was the parade chugging by, performers and all. In DL they cancel ANY sort of entertainment (fireworks included) if it's barely sprinkling. That was probably the biggest surprise of the TR.


Those are some nice pictures of the snow, too!

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Great pictures, but makes me a little sad that the reason Disney never built a park where Canada's Wonderland now stands was because the climate and short operating season.


Same thing happened here in Vancouver, decades ago. Disney himself apparently came up here to "have a look around" in the start of the 60's to see if another Disney park would work "in another country" (hah). Decided the weather wouldn't work in it's favor.


Who knew they'd figure it out and go for it in Tokyo, Paris and Hong Kong?


Disney Paris with snow looks awesome. Would love to visit, all bundled up for the outdoor attractions (Big Thunder - yes!) and afterwards all those hot drinks and toddies to kill the chill around the fireplace at the Sequoia Inn, lol.


Weather wise, Vancouver would have been a better place than TO...but how cool would it been in Toronto, I only four hours away...sorry. lol

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