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Photo TR: Sea Witch Festival 2009

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I still have a few photo TRs to catch up on, including the final installment of my West Coast Trip report. However, this being Halloween week and all, I thought it would be appropriate to temporarily skip ahead to our adventure this weekend as my girlfriend, Kelly, and I took her daughter, Lauryn, to the 20th annual Sea Witch Festival in Rehoboth Beach, Delaware.


This was my first Sea Witch, their third or fourth, so it was interesting for this first-timer to see Rehoboth's take on the great all-American small-town festival. Enjoy!


And we conclude with a feast fit for kings! If anyone on here is headed out to the Sea Witch Festival next year, let me know. Chances are we'll be there!


Peanuts while waiting for "real" food is a tradition here.


Chuck (cfc) had spoken highly of Five Guys in the Fast Food Thread, prompting me to visit one for the first time during a trip to the Washington, D.C., area last month. This is the one closest to us, and since it was right across the street from the horse cart ride departure point, we decided to duck in for a late lunch (along with roughly half the population of Rehoboth).


Photographic proof that not just Lauryn, but both Kelly and I really did attend the festival!


Time to end the day with a horse cart ride around Rehoboth!


If you see Lauryn's grandmother, don't show her this picture! If you do, it will make Santa cry.


It's a tradition for Lauryn to make a sand sculpture at the festival each year to give her grandmother for Christmas. Also, note that Lauryn had gotten her face painted a second time (by a pirate, no less) prior to this photo. Her butterfly didn't magically morph into a skull and crossbones or anything like that!


The surf was pretty churned up thanks to the storms that rolled through earlier.


The pony rides on the beach were Lauryn's favorite activity of the weekend. At $5 per 30-second ride and a line of roughly 8 bajillion kids on Sunday alone, I'm sure this was a favorite activity for the horses' owners, too!


Elephant ears FTW!


The owners with the most elaborate floats posed for pictures with their creations as backdrops following the parade. That has nothing to do with this guy, of course; he's just staffing the Scientology booth!


Wow, pets really do start to look like their owners after awhile!


And what's a hot dog on the boardwalk without a bucket of regionally famous Thrasher's French Fries?


This one was Lauryn's favorite.


Dressing your dog as a box of Thin Mints and wearing Girl Scout uniforms is always a winning strategy.


Lassie has crabs. Who knew?


"I don't think we're in Kansas anymore... though it sort of smells the same."


Next came the best costumed pet parade. Remember the old "Killer Bees" sketch from "Saturday Night Live"? These people do!


Fun fact: No Rehoboth TR is complete without a photo of the iconic Dolle's Candy building.


By the time we made it to the bandstand, Spooky Spats was on stage again! Since we hit his act at pretty much the exact moment we'd left the night before, we stayed for the rest of it.




Wow, they're really doing some advanced stuff in the biology classes at Wilmington U!


The painter said it was her first butterfly of the day!


We stopped for some free face painting.


Reese's Cup pancakes? Why, oh why didn't we come here in time for breakfast!


Apparently you have to have recently inhaled a certain substance to fully grasp the concept of the Deady Bear Jolly Roger pumpkin....


This was my vote for best pumpkin not only because of the overall cannibalistic tones, but because of the skillful use of Mr. Potato Head arms!


Just outside, we found the Jack-o-lantern contest.


...but she decided to be his friend anyway. (Note: this store can be forgiven for having a Christmas tree up already... since it's a year-round Christmas store.)


This live actor, posing as a cheap Wal-Mart animatronic until kids got juuuuust close enough, made lauryn jump...


Obviously, swine flu isn't an issue here....


That evening's storms cooled temperatures down from 80 degrees the day before to 60 on Sunday... and the town of Rehoboth put up its Christmas decorations!


Once trick-or-treating ended for the evening, we settled in to watch the first five minutes or so of Spooky Spats, a vampire who ate fire, juggled, spun plates and rode a unicycle. Unfortunately, it started to rain during Spooky's show, so we and the rest of Rehoboth beat a hasty retreat, causing Spooky, who always referred to himself in the first person, to declare, "Spooky feels like Jobe!"


This was pretty cool. When kids opened up the book, a Thing-like human hand reached out to grab them (not an animatronic, either, but a real human hand--this place did it up right).


Lauryn pretty much has no fear... except fire, and that's only because the fireman who recently visited her school told her to run away from it. Apparently he had no advice on soul-sucking demons.


Our first visit to this year's festival Saturday evening, when most of the storefronts in the boardwalk area were open for trick-or-treating. We got candy from a number of very nice folks... and a few odd ones like this guy!


This is what I got when I told Lauryn to "look evil."

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