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Metallica: The Park [RCT2]

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^I'm guessing the bunny didn't get to you


No it didn't


Its just to help you improve really because I think you can do better than this but you just need that comment that doesn't say oh love it but makes you realise you can improve so I personally thought the bunny was out of place^^

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themeparkman - finished

BelgianGuy - You still haven't told me how to improve. When you do that, get back to me. Sense you tend to play pretty well I expect a 5 page essay from you on how to make my foliage better.

Pure Impurity - yup, and in RCT3 its harder. (well for me it is)

Stoksy - Wasn't I one of those



Update Time!


Master of Puppets should be a Tops Spin with water shooting cross's. Agree?


Escape, the only excuse I could think of for a water ride. BTW all my water rides always look un-finished. These have been my negitive quality in my parks


Anyone want to ride the lightning?

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First: Never have foliage on rocks, ever seen a tree come out of solid stone? I haven't^^


Like I said before make it more natural, look at pictures to see how real plantlife is organised by nature, there are more shrubs than trees to start with, this is something most people don't respect and just for the speed of building go and fill up with full size trees, instead try placing a few trees on more "tactically" chosen spots where you think their height is best suited, then take the "high" shrubs place those where you think it looks natural, for example under a tree(you want zero-clearances for this) then start adding grass and flowers, vary in long grass short grass stuff like that, chose the colours of your flowers wisely, this makes or breaks the feel of your foliage believe me, never go too bright or too dull for example no brown flowers, more like a nice red or yellow. Again think on wich underground you do this, if you want a clean look go for the grass, forest is best with dirt/grass and for rougher and more bare terrains with little foliage I recommend dirt and sometimes a spot of rock without anything on it and make these patches of land more interesting with quarter-tile landscaping.


Always work your way down in height on foliage, start with the big ones and work your wayaround those to make it look good.


If this won't help you or anybody in the future concerning foliage issues I don't know what I'll write next time


Maybe as a final tip go check guys like bacchus and nin on NE because their foliage is kick @ss.


And yeah I'm a perfectionist and proud of it^^


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I mean, I just googled "tree growing out of rock" and got this.


Anyways, I am fine with the foliage the way you have it, the custom supports (now that they are complete!) and your ride choices. The only thing that I am not a fan of is the huge midways in use. I guess I would like to see some buildings (^Archy?) or just something to spice it up a little. Not bad though, I think you are doing a great job.

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^That is a great excuse...to strive for mediocrity.


And I'm pretty sure BG has explained how to improve the foliage at least three times now, and I seem to be the only one listening.


I don't see why people frown upon being a perfectionist. People can look down on them all they want, but in the end, those who strive for the best will rise above the rest... (Yes. I just made that up. And the rhyming is awesome.)

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As much as I'd love to be involved with this excellent debate about whether trees do or do not grow out of rocks, I think, Matt, that you need more color. Too many natural colors. Try some flowers and maybe even jungle-type plants to vary it up a little. Trees are great too, and little patches of "gardens" with trees and flowers will help make the pathway a little less dull.

Anyway, I like the structure of the coasters, especially thewater ride. Don't be afraid to experiment!! Hope to see updates soon.

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hmm, 9 posts w/o a post by me.



I would like to say my thoughts on everyones thoughts.

@BelgianGuy's foliage guide -

I wasn't expecting you to write up a guide, but thanks I guess. Maybe you should make yourself a tutorial writer for RCT2 stuff. That way you don't need to write these up.


I've been editing the pathways in paint, to make them look like they take over the whole screen. If I wanted too, I could make a whole park using MS Paint, and one of those RCT2 Graphic rippers. However this would not be as interesting, would it

Also, they will look better with people on them!

@BelgianGuy's response to TPM25

True, trees grow under rock, but how do you plan on making it looking like its growing underneath a crack in RCT2. Pretty hard if you ask me.

@ Pure I, and HCL

To be honest, every tree grows from one big rock!

@ CoasterMaker96

Ugh . . . . , such an unique response. Well, I'm not trying to lower the quality because the theme of the park isn't perfect (It is perfect BTW), but I try to give off a better image. Just look at the surrounding area for Jump in the Fire.

@ DBru

He could of posted a link to another tut. that he made, and it would of been the same value. Also, if he posted it 3 times, then he only wants to see what he wants to see.

You see with perfectionists (for a game like this) They see everything, how they would see it. They don't understand that the park is being made by someone else who has an image already set out. That person being me has an image on making a park. I don't plan on going anywhere with this, nor do I plan on doing anything with this. All it is, is something I do. You can give me advice, but not your image.

Also, with your little rhyme thing you made up. If I wanted to be just as good as BG and other NE people. I just choose not too, because I know those people take way too much time making there parks. I spend just a little more time as the average player. I go for an image that looks good in my eyes, and I'll stick with it. If its not good in my eyes, that its not good for me too show.




The Natural colors? I'm sorry, but this is not rainbow, happy color town. Now, thats my main park. This is just a sub project for a Metal/Rock band park.


Now, I hoped I cleared some things up. I'm not saying "I'm going to ignore all criticisms". I'm just going to ignore the nitpicking, perfectionists, ignorant ones.


As for the park. I will say this, because there are a lot of newcomers coming here. I don't make a lot of buildings, I don't make a lot unique terrain structures, I don't make exotic themes that make you aww in amazement. The only skill I get from this game are specks of what you see in other peoples work. To be honest, EVERYTHING that I do has been done. Yes, I'm not original, I admit it. Like I said earlier, I just play because I can. If RCT2 was my main focus, then I would be a really good player.


So, if your expecting some kind of professional show from me, then go somewhere else. I give what I have, nothing more, nothing less.



Also, you should all stop acting like coasters are my main focus in life. There not. I'm not on the boards 24/7, I'm not a hardcore enthusiast.

I'm a person who is on many community's, with diffrent themes. From here, to Atari, to AnimeDotCom, to youtube. I'm busy enough as it is, so I would like to ask you guys to stop debating over things like these, and just make a separate thread outside of this one.


Now, sense its coaster offseason for me. I get to enjoy it, with a season I like to call. Anime Season!

This is my long break from the coaster communitys, and I head out to sites like Anime Planet and AnimeDotCom.

If you really want to follow me, and "hang out" with me. Just go over there *glares at my fanboys*


-Matt"I don't mean to make anyone mad with this post" K.

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^No say what you have to say.

I'm not asking for comments like "OMG, I LOVE YOUR WORK. I love you. I love everything you do!!!!!!!!!!". No, if I wanted that I would look some where else. I know theres some people who are better than me on this site. I know this, and I'll listen to what they had to say


Also, I had to deal with some people on aim who I had to blocked. There the people who told me what to do with Sunrise. They where exstream perfectionists. After I got them out of my life, I stopped being a nitpicking critic ,and just let everyone do what they do.


What I'm saying is that you don't need to make a paragraph or two about my negatives, and then just plot a word or two on the stuff you think looks good. I did this, and I was probably the most hated, and ignored critic at the time. Hell, I even remember you saying that "I'm not going to take your advice, I like it the way it is". Yet, your the one who is preaching to me know.


Remember, I don't just want everyone who views this thread and kiss my @$$. Please tell me what you like and what you don't like.



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I never wanted to sound preachy but to be honest your work hasen't really improved over the sunrise v1.0 wich I really loved and I only wrote those paragraphs about foliage because you said I didn't give enough hints to improve so thats what I did.


And about being critic, BGSA was one thing, TPLA was another step up but Bayview amusement is again another step on the ladder, I don't want to keep building parks without improvement, and I'm missing that in your parks ATM, sneak in some little details, like the duracel like battery was a cool idea but do more of those things, Also another thing is themeing is more than putting a good queue and some foliage, try to incorporate more buildings, headchoppers and stuff like that. I'm not perfect myself like except for the station and the shaft building of the eurofighter in TPLA has no themeing except some foliage and I'm planning on doing a complete revision on a lot of the park I currently have. My advise to you now is to keep the things that are good like the layouts of the coasters, the overall theme of your park but make it more complex and detailed, I think it'll make a lot a difference if you do just those 2 things. I like the style you had with the first Sunrise and I think its your best work to date still, everything else you posted just looked a bit rushed and not so well thought through if I may say so. So try to improve the concept of this park and I think you'll have a winner. Make a screen worth more than looking 20sec if you know what I mean

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I'm not telling you to plant flowers iin every empty space, I'm just suggesting a scatter of flowers or variety of plants here and there. The first cople of screens have flowers in them, and I think it would be disappointing if those flowers never showed up again in the rest of the park They don't have to be every color of the rainbow. They can be whateve you want. I'd just like to see some variety from trees and bushes.

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^^I'll make you happy, and tell you that I'm taking my time on the recreation on my first Sunrise.

After all, I'm playing it while I'm watching anime.

Yes, its true. I've been laid back with my parks, because I either didn't care as much, or I just wanted to get finished. I know that I've said I'm playing for fun, and thats the major reason why I've changed.


I'm going to tell you this, and then I hope to end these long posts of fighting, because I'm a bit annoyed with it too be honest.


I'm also going to give some better news, as I got another computer just for RCT2, so now that I have two computers I can do what I did last year. multi-task!


Now, this park won't be transferred over to the styles I'm working with Sunrise, because I would need to modify so much. However, I will take advice that I've received, and work with what ever I have in the scenery bank.


So yeah, I hope this cleared up a few things.



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Dude, what an awesome idea. As a Metallica fan, I have never thought of doing this.


I see you made a ride after the song "Whiplash." But that name would only be fitting for a Psyclone clone.


As far as other ideas, well, I'll try and think of some and post 'em here when I do. Best of luck with this project.


Side note - I see you are 14. Always awesome to see new (younger) fans of the band.

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^ I got into them around this time last year. Only knowing One, Unforgiven, Enter Sandman, and Master of Puppets. Now I know every song, can name each one by ear, and I have watched the two videos that where just made.



Sorry guys for the wait on this park, I've been busy with other stuff. I need to transfer it over to my crap computer, but it doesn't like me.

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Hey there viewers of this park, I've got some bad news for you guys.


The park is going to be on a pause for a bit. This is until I can transfer it onto my other computer, and fix errors.


Now I don't really want to do a restart because I was about 60% finished with it, that and the park wasn't that big to begin with.


I would like to tell you guys why I'm not using the laptop any more.

-It doesn't want to take pictures any more. I just can't get screens for RCT2.


Now as for an update in the park. I'll give out a few ride names of whats to come.

Wherever I may roam - shuttle from front to back

All nightmare long - indoor family coaster

Four Horseman - Carousel

(some kind of) Monster - scrambler type ride

Seek and Destroy - indoor shooter

Master of Puppets - Top spin



If you have any ideas, they are welcome.


Anyways, I hope to finish this park by the weekend after thanksgiving.

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