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I rode the PCW and PKI versions within two days of each other earlier this month, and they are exactly the same except for the configuration of the queue. I didn't see any differences in the theming at all (except that the "splash down" splash is bigger at PKI for whatever reason)


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PCW pretty much sucks in my opinion. You can read my TR from earlier in the month at:




Italian Job is definitely the best ride in the park...and if you've already ridden it, well, that's as good as it gets there! In my opinion, the only coasters even worth repeating were Italian Job, Thunder Run, Fly, Silver Streak, and Sky Rider (which are a powered mine train, a wild mouse, a kiddie inverted and a Togo!!!). And none of those were even anything special or out of the ordinary. Definitely not worth a 7 hour drive by itself, even if it does have a Swiss Chalet at the same exit


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PCW pretty much sucks in my opinion. You can read my TR from earlier in the month at:




I just read that TR through your link and it was really good! In fact I wrote a nice comment in that thread if you want to read it. Thank you to everyone else who replied too! CoasterFanatic- Thanks, I will change that "less than mediocre" to horrible"


Well, I can't think of anything else to say so I will end the message with a nice .

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