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PTR Lake Compounce opening day

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I went to LC for opening day as the rain stopped a couple of hours befoe it opened and was overcast and muggy. The crowd was light and everything was open except the train, which was closed due to the construction of the new slide tower. I was on the first train out on boulderdash and was on the first inaugeral ride of their new wipeout which came from Kennywood. They did a really nice job refurbishing it and it ran really good. Wildcat had some off season retracking in some spots and was quite smooth compared to prior seasons. The park did a great job fixxing Thunder&Lightning in the off season as well as it ran great with both arms running. The new slushie works building came out very nice but wasnt opened while i was there. basically the whole park looked great.I took alot of pics so enjoy them!


park entrance



rides closed







Slush Works





the philly steak&cheese place




the new paint on sawmill plunge



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Nice pictures! I was there opening day as well. The crowds picked up later that afternoon, but nothing too heavy.


Boulder Dash ran great and no, there aren't any trims. I really really like the re-tracked ending (I hadn't ridden it since then), it's vicious with some good airtime.


They stopped running the right arm of Thunder & Lightning later that day, there was about a 5-10 minute line, so I assumed it was due to a problem.


Wildcat broke down around 1 or 2; I heard it was something with the brakes.


The Slushy stall opened a little later and looked great, although I didn't try it.


Sue had a cheese steak from the new store and she said it was awful.


I found Wipeout pretty boring. I can understand the attraction, but it just doesn't seem to go fast enough for me to really enjoy it. I just felt like I was in a centrifuge... not good (for me).


All in all is was a great day with some great people. The weather cooperated (rained until about 10:15 and didn't start up again until a little after 8:00). I can't wait to get back sometime this season.

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What parks are you familiar with? It's a nice small park well run, friendly staff, has plenty of history, lots of flat rides, has a lake (obviously) with a train that goes around it (1/2 of it). The park right next to a mountain, which they take use of with a cool chairlift and Boulder Dash. For coasters, It's pretty much all about Boulder Dash. Wildcat is a decent classic woodie from the 20s, but nothing to write home about. They have a kiddie coaster for credit whores and the vekoma death-machine boomerange.


BUT, Boulder Dash makes this park a must stop. It's simply amazing, for my #2 right behind El Toro. It's everything you want in a wooden coaster, it's got speed, tons of airtime, it's vicious, has some great laterals, it feels like an out of control train, and it's built on the side of a freakin mountain! Yeah, it's awesome.

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I gotta say I enjoyed Boulder Dash MORE than El Toro. IMHO El Toro has a bit of an identity crisis in that it has amazing airtime and turns until it heads into the middle of rolling thunder where it just falls apart IMHO with a series of repetitive turns which kills the thrill of the ride. It is like they just grafted on a different ride entirely and I was just incredibly disappointed when I hit that track the first time.


Boulder Dash though is uncompromising in its nature and just an amazing combination of airtime and quick turns. It does what it does amazingly well and never lets up. That hits of airtime in the final stretch are absolute OMG moments the first time you ride it as well. I am so glad it seems they haven't trimmed the ride.

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Try to get more pics of the rides, rather the slush shack.


It was more of an update of the new things added to the park, which you can see more of if you followed the link. If you wanted to see pics of what rides the park offers you can visit their website at:


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I gotta say I enjoyed Boulder Dash MORE than El Toro. IMHO El Toro has a bit of an identity crisis in that it has amazing airtime and turns until it heads into the middle of rolling thunder where it just falls apart IMHO with a series of repetitive turns which kills the thrill of the ride. It is like they just grafted on a different ride entirely and I was just incredibly disappointed when I hit that track the first time.


Boulder Dash though is uncompromising in its nature and just an amazing combination of airtime and quick turns. It does what it does amazingly well and never lets up. That hits of airtime in the final stretch are absolute OMG moments the first time you ride it as well. I am so glad it seems they haven't trimmed the ride.


I agree with your thoughts on the two rides. Personally the first time I rode El Toro I thought it was sensational and didn't really care about the ending, as I was still catching my breath front the first few hills. However, the more I ride it the more that ending pisses me off. It just doesn't go anywhere after that sensational forth airtime hill.


Boulder Dash I didn't like so much during the day, but at night it's truly amazing, especially if you aren't stapled to your seat (which by the way is nearly impossible to avoid on El Toro). Not to say I don't appreciate what El Toro is and the way it is designed. In my opinion, an extremely long, never letting up, traditional wooden coaster in the mountains just beats it.


As for Compounce itself, I really don't know what it was but I loved it. I went there off of 3 hours of sleep and after half a day at Six Flags New England, and it still became my favorite amusement park. There's a lake for swimming right in the park, which is rare enough where I come from...even more rare to find one in a corporate amusement park. I loved Wildcat, thought it had some nice spot of air and was a classic. S&S swings speak for themselves, and I'm a big fan of Huss Enterprises. The setting is sensational, with the mountain back-drop and the lake beside it. I know this is an exhausted topic on coaster boards, but it's nice to have "free" sodas and water.


Oh wow, I miss that place....sorry about the really long post.

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