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Roller Coasters in the RAW 3 & Coaster Expedition Vol 12

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Hey everyone!


Roller Coasters in the RAW Volume 3 and Coaster Expedition Volume 12 ships on MONDAY, May 11th!

Have you pre-ordered your copy yet? (It's only $10!)



Roller Coasters in the RAW Volume 3 contains 56 coasters

that have been closed, demolished, re-located, or are "SBNO"

(Standing But Not Operating.) Now you can re-live some of

these classic rides vicariously through this DVD!


We are happy to announce that Disc 1 (The Woodies Disc) and Disc 2 (The Steelies Disc) have been mastered! Here is the complete list of coasters that will be included:


Disc 1 - Woodies

Myrtle Beach Hurricane


Blue Streak (Conneaut Lake)

Cyclone (Williams Grove)


Jack Rabbit (Clementon Lake Park)

Flyer Comet (Whalom Park)

King Solomon's Mines



Southport Cyclone

Runaway Coaster

Raging Wolf Bobs


Sierra Tonante

Scenic Railway (Dreamland)

Big Dipper (Geauga Lake)

Triple Hurricane

Texas Cyclone

Screechin Eagle


Texas State Fair Comet

Texas Tornado

Jack Rabbit (Idora Park)

Wildcat (Idora Park)


Disc 2 - Steelies



Batman (Astroworld)



Double Loop (Kobe)

Doulbe Loop (Geauga)

Double Loop (FujiQ)

Flashback (SFMM)




Cop Car Chase

Viper (SFGadv)

High Roller

Bobsled (Kobe)

Bobsled (Nara)

Orient Express

Laser (Dorney)

Corkscrew (Alton Towers)


Tornado (Walibi Belgium)

Fujin Ragin II


Wacky Soap Box Racers

Drachen Fire

Moonsault Scramble

Tidal Wave (Chicago)

Laser Loop

Whizzer (California)

The Bat


I think it turned out to be quite a good collection of coasters!


Also, if you have not downloaded your "FREE TPR DVD" (which

includes a preview of RAW 3) do it NOW! That link will be removed

THIS FRIDAY! Download the FREE DVD (and iPod version) here:



Check out a sample segment from RAW 3 on CoasterTube.

Myrtle Beach Hurricane POV:



Check out the awesome cover!


Thank you again for your support!


--Robb Alvey


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Hey everyone!


Disc 2 (steel coasters) has been mastered! Here is the list of coasters on that disc:



Batman (Astro)



Double Loop (Kobe)

Doulbe Loop (Geauga)

Double Loop (FujiQ)

Flashback (SFMM)




Cop Car Chase

Viper (SFGadv)

High Roller

Bobsled (Kobe)

Bobsled (Nara)

Orient Express

Laser (Dorney)



Tornado (Walibi Belgium)

Fujin Ragin II


Wacky Soap Box Racers

Drachen Fire

Moonsault Scramble

Tidal Wave (Chicago)

Laser Loop

Whizzer (California)

The Bat


There will be a total of 56 coasters featured on Roller Coasters in the RAW Volume 3!


This DVD starts shipping on Monday! Have you pre-ordered your copy yet?




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Check it out! Chimelong Paradise with Theme Park Review! You'll see:


- LOTS of Coaster POV!

- A B&M Dive Machine!

- An Intamin 10 Inversion Coaster

- Elissa sucking balls!

- A roller coaster than can only be described as "orgasmic!"


Enjoy the video!!!




And remember, this is a clip from "Coaster Expedition Volume 12 DVD" and you can order your copy here:




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How were you able to put so many coasters on the DVDs this time compared to only 15 per disc on the first two "In The Raw!" sets? Considering how many awesome coasters you have visually ridden in the whole "Expedition" series, I would have thought the initial 2 sets of "Raw" would have way more than available. I'm not complaining, they are great! I love both and will definitely be snagging the new one, but thought more should have been put on them. Especially "The Eagles" ride from Hard Rock Park and the "Mindbender" footage you have on YouTube from the Edmonton Mall, which was perfectly edited for inclusion. "CoasterForce" has done some excellent videos of ones missing from the sets, like "Anaconda", "Dominator" and "Shockwave" from King's Dominion; "Hydra the Revenge", "Possessed" (aka Voodoo) and "Talon" from Dorney Park; "Thunder Road" and "Vortex" from Carrowinds; "Alpengeist", "Apollo's Chariot", "Griffon", "The Loch Ness Monster" and the sadly closed "Drachen Fire" (which I'm glad to see you put on "Raw 3") from Busch Gardens Europe; as well as "Behemoth" from Wonderland, Canada and "Millennium Force" from Cedar Point (which really surprised me you didn't put on either of the two "Raw" sets being that it is a classic speed demon). Any chance that these are a ton of others will be on "Raw 4"? Certainly hope so.

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  Phaota said:
How were you able to put so many coasters on the DVDs this time compared to only 15 per disc on the first two "In The Raw!" sets? Considering how many awesome coasters you have visually ridden in the whole "Expedition" series, I would have thought the initial 2 sets of "Raw" would have way more than available.

For each of the Raw discs so far I have carefully selected which coasters to add. It is more of "quality over quantity" for the first two volumes.


I prefer for most of the footage on the RAW discs to be "mounted POV's" not handheld POVs. I'd say that out of the 30 coasters on Raw 1 & 2, about 20 of them are mounted POVs.


As for Volume 3, well, I don't think I'll be doing another volume of "defuct coasters" anytime soon so I tried to put as many onto the disc as possible.


Raw 4 will be out in the fall and it will be back to 15 coasters on each disc.


There is a method to my madness!


Another issue is rendering quality. I had to sacrafice a little bit of visual quality putting more coasters on each disc and I really don't want to have to do that for every volume. Again, I made the decision to do it this time because I didn't feel I had enough quality defunct coasters to split into two volumes.



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Yeah, I had a feeling some of the quality would drop just a bit for Raw 3 with that many coasters on it. Do you use Convert X to DVD software? What do you have lined up for the next bunch of coasters or do you want to keep that a secret? I'm guessing the later.

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  Phaota said:
Yeah, I had a feeling some of the quality would drop just a bit for Raw 3 with that many coasters on it. Do you use Convert X to DVD software? What do you have lined up for the next bunch of coasters or do you want to keep that a secret? I'm guessing the later.

I do not use Covert X and at the moment I haven't even thought about Raw 4. I'm focued on Coaster Expedition 13 (East Coast Trip) and 14 (Europe Trip) right now.



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