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Roller Coasters in the Raw for iPod & MP4 Players!

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Hey everyone!


Theme Park Review has made our Roller Coasters in the RAW series available for iPod, iPhone, and MP4 players!


Check it out here:



For a limited time, these videos will be available for an introductory price of only $3.99 per disc!


Get them now! And remember, your purchase from the TPR Store helps keep TPR pop-up and AD FREE!


--Robb "Thank you all for supporting TPR!" Alvey

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I bought all four of them, and got to download one, now everything is maximum number of downloads exceeded. Not too sure if it was me or the site, I tried two browsers and got the same thing. The one that did download is now on my Ipod and I'm loving it, I'll just try tomorrow for the others.


Thanks Robb for putting these in Ipod format!

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So I downloaded the files: RAW_1_Woodies.mp4.gz, etc. And Safari says "Decompression failed" beneath the files, and I can't decompress them with stuffit expander, either. Can you help me?


EDIT: never mind, you have to change the name and remove .gz after downloading, then it works fine!


-James Dillaman

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^ Your question was answered on the last page...


I am pretty sure this is a stupid question, but is

there any way to download these through itunes? If so, consider it bought.

If not, I will try to get my parents to let me use their credit card number.


^ Not at the moment, sorry. Only through the TPR store.



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^^ Semantics...but really I've already answered this question. Like I said before, they are only currently available through the TPR Store. I don't have an answer either way (as I said before) about iTunes.


I also don't understand how it's any more or less "easier", personally iTunes is kind of a beast in itself and how hard is it to go through the purchase process (which you pretty much have to do in iTunes anyway) and then drag the file into your iTunes folder?


The ONLY step that iTunes would eliminate is dragging the file into iTunes and I didn't realize it was THAT difficult that it would make things "a lot easier" having the videos on iTunes.


Is the TPR Store -> iTunes really THAT difficult?? Please let me know if it is!



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^ Was it difficult for you to transfer from the download to the iPod? Perhaps if you posted the steps you took it might help?


Just curious to Eric - what is it about the TPR process that makes is to much more difficult? It may be easier than you think!



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^ Was it difficult for you to transfer from the download to the iPod? Perhaps if you posted the steps you took it might help?


Just curious to Eric - what is it about the TPR process that makes is to much more difficult? It may be easier than you think!




The process is not difficult at all, don't get me wrong. It is the fact that I don't have a credit card or paypal. I do however have my own iTunes account, which means I can just buy the movie and watch as appose to asking my parents for a credit card and them watching my every move.


Don't get me wrong, your process is great. My situation is just a bit different because I am 16.

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^ I see. If we ever did put them on iTunes, however, we would have to charge more for them there than we do on TPR because iTunes takes a large cut. So I personally would reccomend trying to get them through TPR.



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I'm having trouble downloading Raw 2, the steel version.


It all goes fine until it asks me to click through to Paypal, when it decides


"The link you have used to enter the PayPal system contains an incorrectly formatted item amount."


And then won't do anything else.


I was alright getting the Wooden version last night, but, am having trouble now.


I tried in IE and Firefox as well?

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