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Photo TR: Silver Dollar City 9/28/08

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I'll let the photos do most of the talking, but I have to say that SDC remains hands-down the most kick ass park I have ever made it to yet. My visit was like a dream where everything went right: the weather was perfect, the rides were running great, crowds were just right, prices were low, and the food was delicious. This park has the theme park business down pat, there's hardly anything more I could ask of the park besides more of the same.


This is the only park I've ever been to where I can not ride any rides and still have the time of my life. Maybe I'm just getting old, but I really appreciate that. I still have to ride the rides every time though, because there's just no beating the airtime that PK serves up in every seat.


I leave you with another shot of Wildfire. I have plenty more photos, there's lots more of the park to see. I'll try to get some more posted soon.


Splash Harbor was still open, despite the 70 degree temps.


TGS is still pretty kicking.


TNT is still hauling.


This is how you calm down your kids at SDC.




Yeah, the food here really can't be beat.


These guys are awesome. You rarely see the old-time hammer dulcimer played, let alone see it played so masterfully.


Obligatory Wildfire shot. It's still running great. Loads of air in the back and really stunning views in the front.


What makes the food even better? Having this view to go along with it.


Medium drink w/refills, large burger, basket o' fries, apple pie with whipped cream: $11.66

It was delicious too.


This is the main new attraction for 2008: a culinary school.


There's not that much left on the other side.


What will become of the remains of the River Fort? I'm hoping they're planning to make what's left into something, but it's a far hope.


Apparently it will wrap around this tree.


This is what I came here to see - the new Mack Splash Battle is well on it's way.


The cave is definitely worth the effort it takes to get down there.


"Don't touch that nitro!"


This is why you want to head to PK first thing in the morning. It's the only ride in the park to hold an actual wait during the day.


This guy was making authentic wine barrels - with the fire set in the center and everything.


Stalls litter the crowded streets, offering all kinds of authentic crafts from around the country. They're not just flea market booths, you actually get to watch the craftsmen as they work.


Harvest Fest is quite possibly my favorite festival. Craftsmen and women are everywhere - more than usual that is.

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