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That Fun Place - August 8, 2008

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Sorry for the delay posting but here it is!



August 8, 2008 - It has been a long summer without roller coasters. I heard about this place was getting a coaster so I thought I would wait a while and check it out when it is ready later this summer! After my internship was done, I drove out to Greenfield, IN and check out "That Fun Place." I would say this is a fun little place with heavy theme of pirates inside the "park" and the rides were okay. I only went on one which is Sea Serpent! It was a cute ride with 4 laps!


Wicked Clown Mobile! Nice way to welcome the park enthuastics to see the park! They should have pirates instead of the clowns thou.


It looks like a store outside but inside is a whole different world! Let take a look!


Ladies and Gent... Welcome to "That Fun Place"..


Aaargh! Long live Captain Sparrow! Oh hello! Excuse me... Welcome to "THAT" fun place! It is full of jungle here!


They have a variety of arcade games here! It is heaven for all the video games fanboys! Not me thou... You will see why I'm here...


Wicked Smily Skeleton!


Feeling Pirated?


This is the "backlot" of That Fun Place!


Dum Dum Dum Dum... Let me introduce you for the 2008 coaster....


Sea Serpent! Grrr! It is a happy Sea Serpent!


Warning... Nerd shot!


69th Credit... Check!


R.I.P. Tom Sawyer and Huckleberry Finn... Sorry you guys didn't made it this time...


Sea Serprent in action!


Ohhh buttons! I like buttons! Don't you!


Just in case you forgot where you are.


Kiddie Trainride.... Oh boy! This outta be fun... *cough*


Recent newborn elephants from Indianapolis Zoo to here... RELAX... it is just another plastic elephants.


Monkey Mayhem.... Bunch of crazy monkeys!


Cute kiddie Ride!


Blacklight Bumper Car is another fun things you can do here at That Fun Place!


This is one of the best Blacklight golf course that I have been into.


One of my favorite props used in this Blacklight Golf!


Are we in New Jersey now for Kingka Da? *Grrowl* Aww bummer.




Oh... whew it is plastic sharks... I watch too many sharks show on Discovery Channel last week.


Overall this is a very cool Blacklight Putt-Putt!


And for reading my trip report! I hope you enjoyed reading it!

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The first thought that came to mind when I saw the shark was Strange Wildernes.......



"Uuuuuuuuuuuuuu, hu hu hu hu hu hu hu..........Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu hu hu hu hu hu hu hu.............Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu hu hu hu hu hu hu..............UUUUUUUUUUUUU HU HU HU HU HU!!!!!"


Made me chuckle everytime I saw that stupid shark in the commercial.


Nice pics of a smaller local place! I find that the Python Pit coasters can be just a silly fun ride.

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