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Indiana Jones Adventure at WDW?

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Everyone I've heard from so far regarding Indiana Jones seems to think the show will in fact go for this ride to be put in. It's been there for a long time and it's a prime spot in the park, but I'll believe the whole idea of an Indiana Jones ride at WDW when I see it.


IJ is my favorite movie series, I like the show a lot but one of those jeep rides would be fantastic... but a jeep ride at Disney Studios when Animal Kingdom has one next door? Maybe it won't be a jeep ride after all.


This rumor's almost as tough to swallow as Animal Kingdom getting a version of Journey to The Center Of The Earth with Dinosaur a stone's throw away.


Oh well, one can only hope.

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Epic (what the cast members call the Indy Jones show) is the best show in the park. They really should keep it. Maybe update it though.


I remember rumors from back in 1990-1 that they were going to put an Indiana Jones ride behind Epic somehow. I'm sure they could do that if they wanted to.

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Although they are similar systems, Indy (California) uses EMVs (enhanced motion vehicles) which are on hydralics so the car can bounce, bank, climb, whatever on straight track. JTTCOTE cars do not move at all and follow the track, and is much more similar (identical system) to Test Track then Indy.


Now that the Studios have a imo better stunt show, Indy is obsolete, and more of a C-Ticket (in terms of whether you have to see it). I'm much rather have an Indiana Jones and the Blah of Blah.

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I remember rumors from back in 1990-1 that they were going to put an Indiana Jones ride behind Epic somehow. I'm sure they could do that if they wanted to.


That was the plan, however that is now where the MGM Cast Services bulding is now (well, on part of the ear-marked land anyways). Otherwise, it's just parking lot behind Epic.


I did find pictures of the Adventure placement in MGM somewhere online, I'll try to find it and get it posted. Otherwise, just check out Google maps for ariel views of MGM to see the space.


EDIT: Found it at www.jimhillmedia.com, dated 1995!


Cast Services building in "Future Restaurant" space and then some.

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I remember rumors from back in 1990-1 that they were going to put an Indiana Jones ride behind Epic somehow. I'm sure they could do that if they wanted to.
That was the plan, however that is now where the MGM Cast Services bulding is now (well, on part of the ear-marked land anyways). Otherwise, it's just parking lot behind Epic.

Cool. Glad to see my memory isn't faulty! I don't even remember who I talked to about that, but I always wondered if it wasn't just a personal fantasy of mine.

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