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Maximum RPM pics and more at Hard Rock Park

Woud you wait in line like I did to ride it?  

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  1. 1. Woud you wait in line like I did to ride it?

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I went to hard rock park Saturday with all the acers and got some more pics for you.


My cousin and her friend in led zepplin video waiting


neat pic of zepplin going into final corkscrew


My cousin and her friend in carnaby street cafe in stripper cage. lol


new stilt walker in front of led zepplin






bmx riders 2


bmx riders 1


new pic of guards


new pic of guards


Me and the metal bear family along with Winston the bulldog.

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Are you using a cell phone to take these pictures? That might be the problem, especially if its an older camera phone. Also try turning the quality up as high as possible if it is a cell phone.


If not, your camera is at super low quality or something if they are being uploaded straight from your computer. Try upping the quality on the camera as well.


A great program for photo resizing is Picasa by google. Its what I use, it's fantastic and simple. Might want to look into that.

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It's really cool that they're trying out all these new track styles for the park, but...I wonder if all these rides are just for the gimmiks?


MaxRMP i thought was a spinner when I first saw it - realizing now that it's not makes this ride seem...quite stupid. It looks like a fixed car on a spinner's track with no real architectural integration or path interaction. So the only thing to really pull you in is the ferris wheel lift. I don't know - maybe it's different when you're there, but I don't get a feeling of excitement or energy from the park just purely on the ride choices and the ride positions.


Slippery when wet looks like it's going to be replaced within 3 years from low capacity and high maintenance.


The Eagles mine train doesn't have a great flow and no real ups or downs. In fact, the entire ride lacks the height to do anything really spectacular. The only thing it has going for it is a great fireball effect! Again, not sure if this changes while riding - but the videos seem to show a very slow moving coaster around a parking lot with grass added on.


And the skater in the USA land - focusing on the most generic boardwalk theme I've ever seen.


All of the rides seem to lack...a long-term draw. Which is really odd considering the theming and atmosphere of the park is quite inventive and inviting! Am I just getting the wrong vibe from the pics and the videos online? I know experiencing the park would be the best way to determine my argument..but..eh...Myrtle Beach is a long way away from Anaheim.


Thanks for the PTR - maybe we can get some larger pics on the next go around?

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I have news for you. Nights in White Satin is going trackless next year. I have heard from the ride oprators themselves. And they change the ride every few days so it is different every time you ride it. And the ride is about to have a overhaul. Hard rock is bringing in some people to work on the themeing from Orlando. Bu you didnt hear this from me.

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  • 4 weeks later...
I have news for you. Nights in White Satin is going trackless next year. I have heard from the ride oprators themselves. And they change the ride every few days so it is different every time you ride it. And the ride is about to have a overhaul. Hard rock is bringing in some people to work on the themeing from Orlando. Bu you didnt hear this from me.


Now this has me hysterically laughing...I will believe it when I see it!

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