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Florida Parks tips/advice?

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Hey All,


So I'm going to be leaving here on February 29th to head south.

Stopping at SFOG for opening day (March 1st)to re-new my Season Pass and enjoy some coasters, then heading down to Florida when then park closes.

Here's where I could use some tips/advice, as I've never been to any parks in Florida.

I'm driving my Mom down to La Belle to visit my Aunt & Uncle. I'm dropping her off, and maybe staying the night there.


The next day I plan to get up and head out to ride some coasters!

We should arrive at my aunts house on the 2nd of March sometime. I have till March 8th to hit all of the parks and do whatever else I can squeeze in.


First of all, I'm not going to any of the Disney parks. I want to save those for a separate vacation when I can just stay on Disney property.


I would like to hit Boomers, Busch Gardens, Cypress Gardens, Sea World, Universal Studios, and Islands of Adventure... depending on how much time I actually have, Boomers may get scratched off the list.


I would appreciate any help, tips, suggestions, or anything you think that I may need to know (i.e Hotels, Tickets, a certain order I should do the parks, or what days to visit them, etc...).

It will only be me and my roommate hitting the parks.


Thanks in advance,


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If you're not hitting any water parks, you may want to do the 85.99 special for USF/IOA instead. It offers unlimited admission equals seven (7) consecutive days of admission, including first day of use, to Universal Studios Florida, Universal's Islands of Adventure, and Universal CityWalk.



Also, Busch has a special BGT/SWO combo for 89.95.



Make sure you buy them in advance and online to get the best discounts.


Weekdays are usually the best, and get there early. I would do Universal/IOA either on Tues, Wed, or Thursday and hit BGT and Seaworld on the other days.

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Very few people went to Boomers when I went last April, and the rides manager of the park was running DBH. He is really generous, and he even said that I could bring my video camera on ride if I wanted to. (I didn't even ask, I just brought them for some "station shots".) You will probably get access to the service area to the right of DBH if you ask (I didn't because I didn't want to risk it, but another person on TPR asked and he was allowed.) Be sure to ride Blender, as the only major flat ride at the FEC - it is very fun, but be prepared that the ride might not operate. The first time I went, it was closed because its main frame was damaged in a hurricane, and the replacement parts were damaged during transit. The second time, the ride op wasn't there until a few minutes before I left. Oh, and there were some bees flying around the stairs, so if you are allergic, be careful. You have to purchase the ride tickets in the arcade building, even for the Go Karts. I didn't know that when I went, and it's a long walk from the Go Karts to the arcade building, so I spent a good fifteen minutes or more walking back and forth. But the Go Kart track is HUGE! DBH is worth the ride definitely, so do not miss this park.




The lines weren't that bad when I went, Montu is definitely a back seat ride. Scorpion had the longest lines, but that was after it was broken down for the whole morning - at about an hour. Still, it's worth the wait. G's and airtime in the loop - something I didn't expect. I just thought "I was going to get G's. Montu is freaking insane. SheiKra is fun, but Montu is freaking insane.

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If you're not hitting any water parks, you may want to do the 85.99 special for USF/IOA instead. It offers unlimited admission equals seven (7) consecutive days of admission, including first day of use, to Universal Studios Florida, Universal's Islands of Adventure, and Universal CityWalk.



Also, Busch has a special BGT/SWO combo for 89.95.



Make sure you buy them in advance and online to get the best discounts.


Thanks, alpengeist04!

I wont be hitting any water parks at all... so that looks like it may be a better option for me.

I'll definitely check it out!

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^With the $85.99 ticket deal, remember:


1.) It has to be purchased online (not available at the front gates or at Universal stands in hotels)


2.) It has to be purchased at least 2 days in advance. Otherwise, you can pay $10 more for the immediate use ticket.


Still, even if you paid $95.99, it's still a good deal for 7 days of conescutive use.

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