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Electroshock (NL)

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It's been awhile since I have made a new coaster so I'm gonna start out 2008 with Electroshock and it's a lot of firsts for me. This is a B&M launched stand up, and It's my first elemented loop, and I custom supported the whole ride. Heres a few stats.

Launch Speed: 50MPH

Top Speed: 61MPH

Length: 2,249ft

Top Lats: 1.6

Top Verts: 4.8

Type: Launched B&M Stand Up

Max Riders: 24ppl





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Just downloaded and this is what I think. I think this has to be a fantansy coaster because realistically this would totally blow at any park. The lenth is kinda too long to get a good ridership for even a small park. The supports could use a little more work to it especially the ground hugging supports. I like the layout and wish it was not as spread out. I can see this being a launched contunious circuit vs a shuttle. The loop got me drunk at the top of it lol and the pull out of the loop is deadly! Overall I would rather this be a continous circuit instead of a shuttle because it got a little boring

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