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Random Photo TR: LA Auto Show 2007


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Hey Everyone!


I visited the LA Auto Show last night, and I thought I'd share some pics. This year there were some cool concept cars, along with a few new super-cars.





Last but not least, if your children get lost, they will be taken away!


Hello. I am Chevy Beat! Am I evil, or not? You decide!


The back looks great too!


This is the new Chevy Beat. I love this car! It's weird, plumpy, and it looks like it came from space!


The rear end is even stranger!


Here's another Hyundai, the Veloster. It is very strange looking.


This is the new Mitsubishi Concept CX. It's back end looks like a monster!


Kia had this weird thing on display. I didn't like this one very much!


Almost the entire hood is made of carbon fiber!


Let's move on to some concept cars! This is a Hyundai Concept Genesis. Cool, huh?


The Smarts are here in the U.S.A! They're fuel efficient, only $15,000, and if you get rear ended, you might die!


This Mosler MT900 is on sale right now for $190,000. It looks awesome!


This Audi R8 will hit the streets next year. It's base price is $124,000.


This is a Lotus Exige. I really like these cars! They look like they'd cost around $250,000, but they're only $50,000.


Here's the newest Lamborghini, the Reventon. It looks pretty nice! It has a sticker price of almost $1,000,000.


This is a Ferrari F430 Spider. It's the cheapest new Ferrari selling right now. (Around $200,000)

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That new Lambo has to be one of the sexiest cars I have ever seen. Reminds me of the F-117A.


Did you get to see its dashboard? It doesn't use dials, it has three LCD screens instead, with two modes. Regular mode shows dials like a normal car (only cooler). The flight mode is awesome, where it shows the speed and revs more in the style of a HUD.


With those little smarts, its cool that you can park them at 90 degrees to the kerb and still fit in the space. Very useful. lol. I wouldn't have one myself, I would go for the smart roadster instead.

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