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Six Flags Over Texas Word TR

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Got to Over Texas for Fright Fest last Friday

after hours of traffic cause some guy did a double homicide and about to make it tripple half a mile away from the highway we were taking!

That was fudging fun! Anyway when I got there I was expecting massive crowds but it was actully light crowds! (my guess was the friday night lights) Anyway got there went in waited for the preshow and then they let us in. It was so sad to see Wildcatter gone. Okay now Im going to rate the rides


In order of wich I rode


- Mr Freeze- Great Ride! I hoped on in a less then 5 second line ( Going through the que) rode it five times without leaving my seat! Made me kinda nervous seaing a teddy bear wear the treads move the track!

Also in the que I've seen many people get lost becasue the actuall line goes under a exit sign so some idiots go the wrong way and climb over fences and act all confuse! A simple "Its This Way" sign would do the job!


-Batman the Ride - Batman the Clone... Its ok but considering all the theaming that Gadvs has this one isnt that great. and we have a stupid machine in there that makes a woop woop woop noise throughout the whole que! Once again I've seen many people get lost in this que to!

But its not Sf fault, the people litterly climb over the fencing!


-Judge Roy Scream!- Since the crowds were down I decided to take a ride on Judge. No line and I got a good Pov of it! I Had this supid white chocolate punk sit next to me . Just see the video and you'll now what I mean! If You've ridden Blue Streak its bassicly the same thing!


-Superman Tower Of Power- Everythings Bigger in Texas!

Its a fun ride. No theaming except little wood cutouts of Superman and his Stats!


-Shockwave- I Love this ride! Too bad Marys Creek is going to wash it away someday! The paint needs to redone. The Old blue paint is showing up!


-Texas Giant- Gota ride in the front! Its actully not that bumpy up there!

It Could cuse a nice Intamin retracking! They tottaly stop you in the Mcbr

so it took all the airtime out after that!


Thats It! Rode a few flats

Saw the New Show Akishas Nightmare (Dont trust me on the name)

and it was farley good!


Well My First Word Tr

Hope you Enjoyed!


- David

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-Texas Giant- Gota ride in the front! Its actully not that bumpy up there!

It Could cuse a nice Intamin retracking! They tottaly stop you in the Mcbr

so it took all the airtime out after that!




Please actually read the TR before you hit the post button. Thank you.



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I agree about the Mr. Freeze line. It's not clear which way to go. Also I don't think JRS is like Blue Streak at all. I got absolutely zero air on JRS in the back row and tons of air on Blue Streak in the front row. Unlike most people I really liked Texas Giant. At least it was padded and so it the bumpiness wasn't as painful. I found Shockwave to be more painful with all of the ejector airtime.

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my daughter and I went to SFOT's Fright Fest last weekend, so here's a few of our observations:


First not only was it FF, but a chearleader competition,exihibition was going on.


Texas Giant: Rode 3 times in the front seat at various times during the day - seems like the only sane place to ride now.


Batman: was not essential to our day, but glad we didn't after hearing the "woopwoop" is still there.


Mr Freeze: was down when we wanted to ride. Not sure what to make of the complaints of "entrance/exit confusion" refered to. we've never had any problems navigating that queue since it opened.


JRS: multi-rides without leaving seats. Simple coaster but very fun for what it is.


Runaway Mt: always fun..even more so with all the cheerleaders screaming.


The Shows:


Arania's Nightmare: basically the same fun show they have had for the last several years (great songs with over the top campy acting) - glad to see them tweak it with current pop culture references each year.


Concert at the stage in Boomtown: meh - the highlight for us was that my daughter knew the drummer from school.


Fright Fest in general:


we were etremely disappointed in the low quantity of "characters" this time. We even came back after dinner specifically for the night time atmosphere and only counted about 7-8 "ghouls" walking around the entire park.

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