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I have a few wavepool / wavemachine questions

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^^I'm with you on that; things like this are a major phobia trigger/nightmare fuel/morbid fascination for me. That is all.


They seem kinda scary, but deep inside I do know that nothing can happen if you just follow the rules of "Keep away when machine makes waves" (We have those signs here in german wave-pools) Some of the older ones here have huge wall-like paddles behind metal bars which are rammed forward to make the waves and then slowly go backwards just to be rammed forwards again... those scare me the most. The pneumatic ones are just some metal bars in the wall, those are creepy-looking but not scary to me.

One that really scared me however is a "stomping-wave-machine", the oldest in Germany. It's a steam-engine powered machine in which two large blocks get rammed down in the water, to make the waves XD Those are of course behind bars but still so weird to look at. You're not even allowed to swim near to that (well of course..)

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  • 4 months later...

Right guys, old thread I know but I'm still confused by what the insides of a conventional air wavechamber looks like.

I know vinnie has helped loads (as I used to follow him on youtube when he had youtube) and showed us the insides of a rare one with a big pipe that goes up.


but I'm guessing most look like this right? (my ms paint idea)



I can't find ANY pictures of a real photo of one looking up inside one. even when I search things like "empty wavechamber" . there's plenty of those youtube explorer videos "abandoned xyz" type things, but they never go and look into the places I want them too! haha.

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yeah I've already looked through that thread but thanks anyway.


I just want to know if there are 2 pipe opening inside the chambers like on my drawing.

If some one ever visits an abandoned water park with a wavepool, PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE take your camera/phone with you. I just want to see inside!


I've re-uploaded the picture so it shows in the post this time.


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  • 5 months later...
yeah I've already looked through that thread but thanks anyway.


I just want to know if there are 2 pipe opening inside the chambers like on my drawing.

If some one ever visits an abandoned water park with a wavepool, PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE take your camera/phone with you. I just want to see inside!


I've re-uploaded the picture so it shows in the post this time.



I didn't realise there was more post bumped until I came across your last picture. Where did you get that from.


It does sound like a butterfly valve type system. I have never been able to see inside a butterfly valve wave machine's chamber or even position a camera in there due to the rules. The holes on the wall looks like they are to do with the air control which are controlled by opening and closing of butterfly valves. Swindon appears to be like that too. I fully understand of wanting to look inside an empty wave chamber for it's valves.


Unlike Letchworth's wave machine where the air pipes are in the chambers. This may also be identical at Cleethropes pool too due to it's strong similaries in design as Letchworth and must be the one I was told about that was near Skegness.

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Waveywonder, I am not sure about abandoned wave pools. I never tried to do urban exploring. I probley be interested in looking inside the chambers too. Certainly with Cleethorpes wave machine as I do believe it does involve a paddle. Although Cleethorpes pool have exact design as Letchworth's Leisure center pool.


However looking inside the chambers at Cleethorpes pool I did see slight differences with the internal chamber pipe design. At Cleethorpes there was smaller square looking thing in the corners of the chambers about at water level.


As the type of system you are thinking of, I believe that US patient will show what it looks like.

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  • 2 months later...
  • 2 months later...
Where did you get that from.



ah-right no I didn't find that picture, I drew it in MS Paint lol. this is my imagining of how it might look.



This one here is drawn in CAD. I used Sketchup for this. This program is what made me draw Letchworth's wave machine.



Inside some of these chambers may have a bellow, I'm not sure how many of them actually have them. While some are against the water's surface directly. I have not came across an abandoned wave pool to go looking in yet. It would be interesting to see it's valve openings in the chamber. 1 interesting thing does come to mind. This mainly concerns the wave machine at Windsor. The blowers appears to be able to run without pressurising the chambers as there is another valve that is opened when in the intention to use the wave machine after their announcements usually for about 30 seconds. Once they opened this valve, the waves will come out quite strong, if you was up against the wave machine wall which was kind of permitted at Windsor. You are supposed to be away from the wall or be sitting on the ledge above the chambers, but many people ignore that rule during their announcements.


If people were near the wave creating chamber and they opened that valve, it can startle a person as I remember 1 man it took him by surprise.


The wave machine at Swindon appears to pressurise the chambers as soon it starts up.


These valves types may have a splash guard on them so they probley appear to be covered up.


CAD Drawing of the Wave Machine similar to Windsor Leisure Pool's wave machine. In process of making it.


Letchworth Wave Machine look a like.

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