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new england help

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Well it makes a huge difference what part of New England you're going to be in. If you're near Agawam, MA then you should definitely hit up SFNE. For a second park you should hit up either Great Escape (In Lake George NY) or Canobie Lake Park (In Salem NH). Hope this helps!

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Yeah... If you have a car and can drive... Just go out to SFNE in Agawam..Only takes about 90mins to get to from Boston.


Also you could hit Lake Compounce a little over an hour south of Six Flags.. Or if you stay in the Boston area... Canobie is about 20-30mins north in NH.


And if you go to Compounce you can credit whore Quassy in about 20mins like 30mins south of Compounce (you can do it before going to Compounce.)


Canobie "I live in New England... And have all the NE credits..." Fan

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I live about 10 minutes from Canobie Lake Park which is in Salem, NH (I know my little blurb on the left says I live in Boston, but I'm really from the North Boston area) and I love going there at night during the summer. The coasters aren't great, but it's a BEAUTIFUL park and all the rides pretty much suit everyone. Well, I take the coaster comment back - I've been on lots of coasters and the Yankee Cannonball (the woodie there) is still one of my favs - never had a bad ride on it.


As someone said above, a lot depends on where in New England you'll be. I don't really like SFNE because the park isn't always kept up well and besides Superman, there's no reason to go there. BUT, if you're just here visiting then that's the biggest park you'll find around here.


Hey - New England people reading this - Do any of you make the drive to SFGAdv instead? It's about 2 hours from my house to SFNE and I always find it better and more worth it to drive the extra couple hours, pay for a little extra gas and head down to Great Adv. SFNE just does nothing for me - with the exception of Superman, there's no real reason to go there - ESPECIALLY since Six Flags desecrated the Cyclone.

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Must see parks in New England are SFNE, Lake Compounce, and Canobie.


SFNE has the awesome SROS, Lake Compounce is famous for its Boulder Dash terrain coaster and Canobie is a charming New England park with a good selection of rides including one of the best haunted house rides outside of a Disney park, have fun!

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If you're in Maine, you should visit Funtown. It's a nice little park with a few small coasters, a really fun flume, a 200 foot tall drop tower with an awesome view, and the best woodie I've ever been on, Excalibur.


SFNE is a great park, and it has the #1 coaster on earth!

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Canobie Fan - I LOVE your website!! I love all the old photos and stuff and seeing the old rides. I've been going to Canobie as long as I can remember... My aunt's company always had outings in the summer there.


The log ride at Canobie is one of my favorites anywhere.

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How is Lake Compounce? I've been meaning to go over there for some time now. I map quested it from Boston and it says 2 hours is that right? Also how are the coasters there?? AHHH so many questions!!!!


The star attraction at Lake Compounce in terms of coasters is Boulder Dash, a woodie which just received a much-needed partial retracking (with the rest to be done next off-season). After a relatively rough year last year, it's running much more like it's old self...though I am a bit concerned as to how the new work will hold up throughout the season so I'd advise not waiting until the later half of the year to get there.


Wildcat is the other woodie and it's a fun ride. I usually only ride it once or twice a visit as there are a couple of minor jolty spots and it doesn't do much in terms of airtime. Ride in the middle seat of any car if you prefer a smoother ride experience.


The only other coasters there are a Vekoma Boomerang (one of the smoother ones, but not really something I ride more than once or twice a season) and the kiddie coaster (which may require having a kid with you if you want the credit...I'm not much a kiddie coaster cre ho, so I'm really not sure).


Other things at Compounce that you should try to catch include Ghost Hunt (a Sally interactive dark ride--ride it right at opening or just before closing or you will wait at least a half hour for it), Thunder N Lightning (if you've never ridden an S&S swing, this one usually moves people through pretty quickly), the Sky Ride (which goes to the top of Mount Southington and back), and the American Flyers (one of the worst examples of the genre, actually, but if you've never ridden one, you can get the idea of how much fun they would be if they were run properly). Hope this helps.



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  • 1 month later...

Thank you all who replied. I recently found out that I will be able to go to the 4 major parks. The dates are (in case anyone is going to be at the park the same day)

7/30 all day Lake Compounce

8/3 11-3 Canobie Lake

8/4 10-1 or 2 Funtown USA

8/10 all day SFNE

if you want you can email me (see profile).


Michael Lopez

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if i wasn't gonna be in midwest i would join you at many of them


tip, if you like water rides funtown now has a tornado water slide, lines at funtown are normally non existent so i would bank some time for the new slide


sfne has a awesome water park but it tends to be very busy too. the water coaster and tornado are the best water rides their.

also catapult aka swat is a ride to keep an eye on. it is often up and down most of the day.


make sure to ride canobies roosters, frisbee, wipeout psycodome and of course the yankee cannonball.


hope you have a great trip.

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Hey - New England people reading this - Do any of you make the drive to SFGAdv instead? It's about 2 hours from my house to SFNE and I always find it better and more worth it to drive the extra couple hours, pay for a little extra gas and head down to Great Adv. SFNE just does nothing for me - with the exception of Superman, there's no real reason to go there - ESPECIALLY since Six Flags desecrated the Cyclone.


Definately. SFNE is nice enough but its hardly worth the 2 hour drive from Boston. Id definately rather make a weekend out of it and go to Gadv. A few cocktails and El Toro...yummy. I find that staying in Princeton on the weekends you can get good rates at some of the better hotels (Hyatt, Westin).


Also, the canobie log ride is hands down the BEST classic log flume around.

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