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BonBon Land TP & Hankatten Construction Photos

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Hi everyone,


I have just arrived home from trip at BonBon Land, boy was it a great day. All the rides were walk on's, and the weather held up despite the dismal forecast.


Well despite Hankatten not opening for a month, I decided to take advantage, of the free ticket offer. If you purchase a ticket to the park before the opening of Hankatten you will receive a free ticket to the park for after Hankatten opens. So with that said you can’t pass up a free day to the park after the ride opens can you?


As you will see in the photos the weather was overcast, and despite the chance of thunderstorms, the weather held up and no major rainfall ever occurred, thank God for that.


As I went in the park, I directly when over to the Hankatten construction site, and to my surprise they were only finishing up casting the footers, and no track was constructed as of yet, there is only one month left until it is supposed to be open. Only time will show if they open on time.


To my amazement they were displaying one of the new trains, and they are painted in the traditional yet random BonBon Land style. Have a look for yourself.


On a final note they were running Vildsvinet, with peeing test jugs, and passengers at the same time. Apparently it seems that if the trains are not weighted precisely the trains will stop mid track, and who will want that to happen?


I hope to you enjoy the trip report!




No BonBon Land TR, is complete without The Dog Fart Coaster.


Hope you enjoyed the TR!


Anybody want to pay $20 for a Pepsi?


Seems like a normal Pepsi vending machine, right.






KidTums? No can't be. :)


Be quite! Watch the alligator having a snack.


What is the boar doing?


This is what they do in USA...


The USA part...


BonBon Land randomness...


This is the strangest thing I have ever seen, the train running with test jugs and riders. Whatever have the riders done wrong and the jugs right? Pee maybe?



Vildsvinet, signatrure shot.


One more shot of that...


New ride for the 2006 season. Krage-Træerne, (Crow trees).


From the front, or is that the back?


From the side...


Awhhh, the cute little wheels...


WARNING. Geeky photos ahead...


The first Hankatten train on site! But there is no track to place it on...


More work being done...


Yes, I know! This is what you all want Hankatten construction photos. As you can see seem as if they are a little bit behind.


The not so grand, BonBon Land main entrance...


Come here dude...


Want some candy?


Welcome to BonBon Land and the new Fantsay World. Fantsay World is the new indoor amusement area for children constructed in the former BonBon candy factory. Hmmmmm Candy!!!


The train on the way to BonBon Land.

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`nice TR


i`m currently in denmark near Copenhagen and i went yesterday to Tivoli and Today to Bakken and i`m going to Bon Bon Land on Monday .


Tommorrow is for Malmo zith a park called Malmo Folkest Park . 2 Credits lol

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  • 2 weeks later...

The opening of Hankatten is delayed due to a technical problem (caused neither by Bonbonland nor by Gerstlauer but by an external company).


You probably have to wait for a little while until the opening ...

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There is finaly a new photo update of Hankatten at BonBon-Land.

The ride is about 60-70% complete, and it looks very nice and very fun, i think.

I personaly love the color and design of the coaster, and can wait to ride it later this year, most likely in july.


As Nomis said, the ride is most likely going to be delayed, becourse there was a fire in the operator room, which burned completly done, thursday evening. The ride is most likely going to be delayed a few days, but the park havnt desided on it let.

The thing Nomis said, that the delay is becourse of an technical problem, i havnt heard anything about, so i dont know how true that is.



Link to the photos:



The nicely and funny themed car...


Well, what can i say more then it just is a very nice coaster, and that i cant wait to ride it...


Another photo of the nice looking coaster...


I love the color and the nice design...

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The track itself is now complete, as can be seen in the new update from totay(27-07-2007) on http://www.themeparkdenmark.dk/gallery/Dshowthumb.php?mainroot=denmark&middleroot=bonbon-land&lowroot=hankatten%20-%2027-07-2007



The coaster have been delayed due to a fire last week in the station that damged some of the theming and other things, and got in though with 3 sections of track that have since been removed and waiting for new track to replace them.


The park hopes to open the coaster on the 14th of july, and maybe sooner.



Well, i think it looks ugly with all that blue steel, as some of the supports also i blue, as can be seen in the pictures, and that just dont look good, i think. All the supports should have been yellow, as most of them also is. That would have looked alot better...



But well, i'm looking forward to ride it when i get home fra vacation in alittle more then two weeks...

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