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Houdini's Great Escape

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Ok, so I've been to SF Great Adventure a number of times and every time I've gone Houdini's Great Escape has been closed. The description on the Six Flags website is sort of vague. What exactly is this ride/attraction? Is it worth making time for?

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Houdini's Great Escape is a Vekoma Madhouse flat ride.




This paragraph basically sums up the ride:


The basic unit that creates this effect of physical and optical illusion consists of several rows of seats attached to a swaying gondola within a rotating drum. Show features during the show or pre-show, build up the suspense - a magician for instance could be casting an imaginary spell over the audience in the room, and then letting the seats rock and the room revolve during the show. The guests will leave happily surprised believing that the rules of gravity have just been fooled right in front of them.


Basically, a swinging room with some themng to give guests an illusion of something happening.


This ride is only worth making time for if you have young kids, not a thrillseeker, or enjoy cheesy theme park shows, if you ask me.

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This ride is only worth making time for if you have young kids, not a thrillseeker, or enjoy cheesy theme park shows, if you ask me.


I respectuflly disagree.


I find the Vekoma mad houses very trippy, and alot of fun.


They might not be thrilling, but they are alot of fun.

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I'm kind of bummed that it's never been open when I've been there - it looks sort of cool


You do know SFNE has the same ride right? (just not as themed inside) Seeing how you say you're in Boston MA.. Im guessing you have been to SFNE... Just go ride it there



Canobie "But I like GAdvs better....." Fan

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