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A [Presidents] Day at Virginia Beach


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On a rare occasion where my girlfriend and I both have the day off from work together, we decided to take Amber, our greyhound, for a day at Virginia beach. As you might expect, the beach is pretty boring during the winter months, but it's pretty neat sometimes to take the drive and have the whole place to ourselves.


Along the way we stopped at the Busch Gardens overpass to get a couple shots of Griffon. Unfortunately, even with a decent zoom on my camera, I couldn't find anything interesting enough to make a big deal about. Hopefully the lack of snow this year has put the ride ahead of schedule b.c I really can't wait to see this bird start testing.


We got to the beach at 9am where it was about 30 degrees with a decent wind blowing. Amber (the dog) doesn't mind the cold as long as she keeps moving, so we walked (and ran) a couple miles in the morning, and then took a break for lunch. In the afternoon we drove down to Sandbridge, which is basically a non-commercialized version of Va Beach only a few miles south. I had never been to Sandbridge, and it reminded me of the N.C. Outer Banks because it was a lot more natural.


This was Ambers first time at the beach, so we didn't know how she would react. She really enjoys any opportunity to get out of the house, so I think she had a good time, but there wasn't a lot for her to do except walk and try to chase the birds, which got old pretty quick when she learned they were more interested in avoiding her than playing.


Overall it was a nice extended weekend, which I won't have again for a while. Enjoy the pictures....





Until next time kids....



in flight


Clear for takeoff


Birds are about the only other things to take pictures of


Amber and Erin get washed in




Amber watching birds


For contemporary art fans


The Pier itself was closed, but even if it were open, it would probably still look like this


Part of the Fishing Pier sign




Seagulls like crackers


Any time of year is for surfing


I think there was ice on top of the rocks, but I'm not sure


The Fishing Pier


Here we are


It took a few years, but it's great to see a new and improved skyline!


Mighty Griffon

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Wow, you got some good photos of Sea gulls there! Do you do much bird watching?


Nah, I really don't care much for bird watching. I'm just getting into photography and I've noticed that a lot of great photographers take bird pictures, so I figured I would give it a shot. 90 percent of them ended up out of focus, but I thought a few were nice.


By chance, did you get Amber from a greyhound rescue organization? Just curious.


And you said you took shots of Griffon? I didn't see anything. Perhaps it blended right into the sky? Taiko Wink


Yes, we got Amber from a rescue organization last summer. She raced in Florida until she was almost 4, and now she's 4 1/2.


Maybe if you put some shades on you will find Griffon?

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