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Photo TR: Divv's Disneyland Resort Paris Adventure


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Great report!


I think that your TR shows that going to a Disney Resort is not only about getting on rides.

The "branding" is carried out past the shows and rides to include restaurants, shops, and hotels to make it an all encompassing experience.


I went to the Disneyland Resort in California last week, and I have to say that our day at the parks started the night before spending about 3-4 hours walking around Downtown Disney doing a little dining and shopping and getting into the mood of the day that was to follow.


I don't think I tried on any hats, but I think I will have to make that a new tradition, cause that was some funny stuff!

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Wow, awesome trip report. Too bad the weather wasn't bright and sunny, but oh well. At least there were no lines.


I have always wanted to go ride Space Mountain mission 2, the theming looks awesome from the outside.


I had seen other trip reports and, Indy, but I can't believe how bulky the trains are. It's kind of surprising they can even fit through the loop. By the way, does anyone know who mad that roller coaster, and Raging Spirits?


Well thanks for the trip report, and I hope I can get out there sometime soon.


Indy and Raging Spirits are both Intamin rides. To be honest I was pretty disappointed with Indy, it was rough in bits and for most part unexciting. At least it was running forwards though. We were so unimpressed that we only rode the once despite it being a walk on.


Space Mountain was fun but wasn't without it's rough spots, but still it had a lot of enjoyable moments. i only wish I could have rode it before the redo.


This was my first time staying in a Disney Resort and I have to say I really enjoyed it. It's much more of an "immersive" experience so despite not being in a park in the evening Disney Village provided us with plenty of entertainment.


Saying all that, I think two days in the resort was enough. We spent maybe just about four hours in the Studios and we did everything, including Rock'n'Rollercoaster multiple times. I i imagine when the new rides open and the park's a bit busier it might seem a bit more substantial.


No Jungle Cruise is a bit of a bummer but I think worse than that is no Splash Mountain! Or any real water ride would be great for the resort but still beggars can't be choosers I suppose, I was just happy to get to a Disney park on the cheap.

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^ We flew from Glasgow Prestwick to Paris Beauvais. It was very cheap for us because there was a loop hole on Ryanair's website that let me book flights tax free on those dates!


But even then, Paris Beauvais is a cheap place to fly to from Glasgow, only thing is Beauvais is a bit away from Disney. We paid in advance for a shuttle to take us from the airport straight to the resort as we knew we weren't going to have much time there. Our flight landed at half nine in the morning and we were checked in to our hotel room for eleven. On the way back we just took the train to the centre of Paris when the park closed at six and then a bus journey to the airport which took an hour or so.


Beauvais isn't the best airport either, we basically queued for the departure lounge the whole time we were in there due to the horrible staff operations. Still I got a cheap trip to Disney out of it so it was worth it!


If Beauvais is the only feasible way for you to get there then go for it, but if there's any way to avoid flying to Beauvais definitely consider it.


David "Is there anything in Edinburgh that isn't very expensive these days" Walsh

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Don't forget that Indy Jones coaster was Disney's first time at putting together a looping coaster with themeing, something none of the other theme parks had attempted, in the States. All in all, and except for putting the cars backward for a time there, I think they did a pretty good job of it. For their first looping coaster.


Then, they did it again with DLPs Space Mountain, and eventually the Rock'N'Roller for WDW and Paris.


"Song of The South" is not known world-wide. Hence, no Splash Mountain. But there has been numerous rumors of there 'possibly' being a Frontierland or Adventureland attraction in the future, one with a flume or a water coaster going through it.


Who knows? Heck, they're only 15 years old now ~Happy Birthday DLPR! ~ so they have plenty of time to add more, and more and more....



Two weeks+ to go and I'll be "Down on Main Street.." soon.


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I wouldn't say Song of the South is any less known in Europe than the US, it's even been released on video in quite a few countries this side of the Atlantic.


But I know what you're saying, would just be good to get a Disney water ride in Paris, I think it would "complete" their Magic Kingdom.


Wish I was going back in two weeks...

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^ I think they still want 'something' like a water-born ride to eventually arise 'over thar/yonder,' be it Far Eastern and Exotic Shores or Wild and Wooly Western Shorelines!



(I'm hoping by the 25th..... )

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I wouldn't say Song of the South is any less known in Europe than the US, it's even been released on video in quite a few countries this side of the Atlantic.


Let's rephrase it then...


Song of the South is barely known in non-English countries.


Characters from it have appeared in comic books though. But the movie itself, release in 1950, is not.


But does that matter anyway ? I mean, have ALL visitors of Disneyland seen every single movie some rides are based on ?

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The point with Splash Mountain is that it's an insanely popular ride in all three park's it's in. The fact that it's themed to Song of the South I think is inconsequential for the most part. Thunder Mountain and Space Mountain aren't tied to movies but are still incredibly popular.


I'd imagine most of the kids who love Splash Mountain in the US don;t even know what Song of the South is. Doesn't stop them appreciating Splash Mountain though.

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