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[KNEX] Project 2007

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Read the first 'reality' update. You'll see this is the original Speed o' Fear.



This time there will be more track, more curved track. And it will be closer to the ground. To get rid of some confusion: on the pictures you're seeing he construction of Speed o' Fear, not an enhanced version.




The track is in place.



Another support.



Is it going to fit?



Here comes the station roof!



Cool! The tracks are going to cross over.



Two new support columns.



Hmmm... a hill section?



I can see banked turn in the back!



Definately a hill!



And that is probably........





And that's it for today! Be sure to check out tomorrow's pictures; including ... I won't tell you.

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Time for another update! I am behind schedule...




The ride needs some paths...



Paths to entrance and exit have been placed.



That crane is pretty tall...



Another lateral support.



Bückel time!



The hill is nearly finished.



There are still quite some supports to be placed.



That's a steep batter brace. There are gonna be a lot of G's over there.



Sexy track!



The bückel is about to be finished.



They started working on the first drop!





And that's it for now! Next update will include the construction of the first drop.

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Wait... I thought that the coaster was already complete? I am so confused.


Hello everyone. During construction I kept a lot of pictures hidden from you. This is because I haven't told you I was officially involved in the construction. Now the roller coaster has been completed, I was allowed to publish them. I won't post them all at once though. Every day you will see about 10 new pictures. I hope you will enjoy them.

I hope this will make your confusion disappear.

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Time for another update! Nearly finished this time.




They just keep on adding these large supports.



Here comes the first drop!!



We're almost out of supports...



More track!



Looks like that piece is going to be installed right before the brake run.



I guess this one is for a highly banked turn.



Here comes another piece of track.



And another support column.



Not much track anymore.



And this piece will complete the highly banked turn.





And that's it for now! Next update will be the last one!!

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Last update! After this, it's time to announce something about Sagittarius...




Lowest point right after the first drop.



Looks like the track will ascend here very much.



This column needs lateral support.



Much progress since last picture!



Can you say overbanked turn??



Lovely little support hanging in mid-air...



What's that?..






We're almost there...



That's nice!



Must be a heavy load.



Going down again.



Last piece of track!



Yes! You can do this, Mr. Crane!



It fits. Speed o' Fear's track has been completed.



The tubing has been placed and the first train is being put on the track.



And here goes the second train.





Thanks for showing your interest in Speed o' Fear. It has been taken apart completely right now and the time has come for Sagittarius.

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The k'nex coaster I built has been in my room for months! I guess you just get enjoyment out of the challenge of building, but give yourself time to enjoy your accomplishment!


I was actually thinking a few weeks ago about the cylndrical supports. I'm going to give them a try.



-Nick C.


PS: The fact that you made a crane makes this 10x better.

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