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Kiddie Coaster Joy

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I couldn't find a topic on this. If one already exists, would you please be able to post a link, thanks.

Anyway, is there anyone else out there who still enjoys the kiddie coasters? I love the BIG rides like Kraken, Stealth and The Hulk, but I always enjoy to go on the family/kiddie coasters too. If they're REALLY kiddie coasters (as in ten feet tall and 7MPH, then I probably wouldn't ride)

But if there's a ride like The Flying Unicorn at IOA Orlando, I'll make sure to ride it as small coasters (to me) have a lot of fun in them. While they don't provide big thrills they can provide a good laugh, airtime-filled bunnhops and great views (The Cliffhanger at Blackgang Chine is the smallest rollercoaster I've ever been on and yet it's one of the most amazing views over the cliffs and out to sea.

Anybody else like the smaller coasters?

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I love "The Flying Fish". I can't believe it's only 19mph. Itfeels really fast. I think it's a cool ride.

"The Cliffhanger" is only 35 feet tall and has a bit of airtime in the very back, but what makes this my favourite kiddie coaster is: the cliffs are hundreds of feet below you and way below the cliffs is the ocean. It's like a 400foot tall kiddie coaster. I never though 27mph could be so fun.


However, "The Dragon" at Freshwater Bay is too small. 7 feet high and less than 8mph. That is too kiddie for me.

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I love "The Flying Fish". I can't believe it's only 19mph. Itfeels really fast. I think it's a cool ride.

"The Cliffhanger" is only 35 feet tall and has a bit of airtime in the very back, but what makes this my favourite kiddie coaster is: the cliffs are hundreds of feet below you and way below the cliffs is the ocean. It's like a 400foot tall kiddie coaster. I never though 27mph could be so fun.


However, "The Dragon" at Freshwater Bay is too small. 7 feet high and less than 8mph. That is too kiddie for me.


only 19mph????? bl**dy hell!!! thats well slow!!!


try going to Adventure Island in Southend, they are amazing baby coasters!


i love the pink one

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Ive actually been suprised by some of those kiddie coasters out there! I find them to be rather enjoyable at times!


One of these would be "Treetops Coaster" at Oakwood! Maybe its under "Family Coaster" but I kinda see these to be the same! Some of these coasters have suprised me by being very good!



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