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Patriot media day!

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Patriot media day! Also Worlds of Fun opening day (April 2006)


la dee dah da da... waiting... lala LA DA lee la doo... JUST OPEN THE ROLLERCOASTER ALREADY!!!!!!


Click, click, click, putt, putt, putt, AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! LOL.


Verical loopage!


Ummm... un- vertical corkscrewage?


Boomerangs are from Australia were they created oak trees


*singing* Mamba's the favorite treat, fun for boys and girls to eat *stops singing* (to the tune of the Shnitzel Song from the movie Hoodwinked)


Timberwolf! Which really sucked this time!


One word about Timberwolf this time- I waited more than half an hour for it because of horrible operations for one train and the ride was rough as an oak trees butt


Everyone wanted to ride Patriot so there were almost no lines for anything else


Mamba... *drool*


Cool jumbly sopports thingy on Spinning Dragons


Patriot is radiating like a nucleur power plant


Parking lot photo!


Goodbye WOF!


If you were highway 435, this is what WOF might look like.

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^^Patriot's line starts with a few rows of switchbacks (back and forth), then goes under the turn out of the station, climbs a flight of stairs, turns 90 degrees left, climbs another flight of stairs, turns 90 degrees left, and enters the station.

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I actually think Batman clones are more fun but don't have as many good elements or airtime they're just more intense and stuffs but are you sure that the Patriot has good theming? " You just walk in a line made of normal concrete and stuff and then you get to the entrance and there isn't much in there, just some wood bars and stuff. I don't even think that they have the numbers of what car/ train you're in!


And did they take the switchbackout or something? Why did you tell me that the used the switchbacks on opening day?

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Okay, let's get this over with.


First of all, Batman clones are fun, but Patriot has WAY better execution and pacing.


You aren't noticing the small things. Look at the station itself and Patriot Landing. The little details make everything work.


Yes, there are indeed numbers telling you which rows are which (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7).


Okay, switchbacks are a simple concept, but they are hard to explain. Switchbacks are the back and forth movements found in pretty much every queue. On opening day for Patriot, you walked straight from the entrance to the turn left under the turn out of the station. On busier days, you immediately turn 90 degrees right after entering, then turn left, go straight, turn right, go straight, etc. until you get to the 90 degree turn left under the turn out of the station. With a full queue, Patriot's line is about 55 minutes.

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^^YES! It was freezing! I made the mistake of trying Patriot without my jacket on once.


Hobbesx2 - You still don't understand me. They've always HAD the switchbacks. They don't always USE them. After the rush to Patriot died down on opening day, the switchbacks were empty.

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