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Special edition FD3 DVD?

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Well, I saw in a Newsweek ad that for a while now there has been a special edition final destination 3 DVD on sale, and it says you can CHOOSE how everyone dies??? WTF? has anyone seen this DVD and can explain? all i remember is that the box is red instead of blue.

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It is really lame. You have the option to watch the movie on this "special" setting in which a menu pops up at selected moments of the movie. The menu only consists of two choices like "heads or tales" or "yes or no". I honestly can not remember the differences. I think one of them is that they all ride the roller coaster and end up dying at the beginning of the movie. After the roller coaster crash the end credits roll. Hey, that would have made a better movie heh. Anyways your comics are much better than that crappy movie.

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It is really lame. You have the option to watch the movie on this "special" setting in which a menu pops up at selected moments of the movie. The menu only consists of two choices like "heads or tales" or "yes or no". I honestly can not remember the differences. I think one of them is that they all ride the roller coaster and end up dying at the beginning of the movie. After the roller coaster crash the end credits roll. Hey, that would have made a better movie heh. Anyways your comics are much better than that crappy movie.



Thanks. Though I happen to like "that crappy movie".

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Yeah, throw me into the party that likes that movie. One of my friends said that in the choose your fate thing they threw in the frank cheeks back story a little bit more, kinda like how the book was...Oh and no comment on the comics....


who's frank cheeks? and what book?

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It is really lame. You have the option to watch the movie on this "special" setting in which a menu pops up at selected moments of the movie. The menu only consists of two choices like "heads or tales" or "yes or no". I honestly can not remember the differences. I think one of them is that they all ride the roller coaster and end up dying at the beginning of the movie. After the roller coaster crash the end credits roll. Hey, that would have made a better movie heh. Anyways your comics are much better than that crappy movie.


Well we all have our own opinions, and I agree that the "choose your ending" was kind of cheesy to begin with, but I think it was very well done. Extra footage was shot suring production to make this possible, and everything flows.


All of the options you can choose usually emmediately do something, and then sometimes trigger minor changes later within the story.


For example (SPOILER):


One person may be about to die, and you are asked if another character should attempt to save them.


Or, you may be asked if something else should be changed, and the character, may just end up dying a different way instead.


Yes, there are two ways that the movie can end earlier (I think).


In the first one, everyone really DOES die on the coaster, but thats stupid, so when he flips the coin, ignore it.


But in the second one, you have the chance to see a completely different ending, simply decided on by how one of the last people dies (I won't spoil this for you).




So, if you liked the movie, I would say buy the dvd, because I think this is one of the best done DVDs ever.

Not to mention, there is a full commentary on the first disc, and well as TONS of special featurettes on the second disc, and a full feature length behind the scenes special. And there is tons of footage of the coaster. There is a special on filming on the ride itself on the second disc.

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just use wikapedia to do it. It is basically their was of doing deleted scenes. There are some extra things but it mostley sucked. IMO just find a friend who has it and watch his.



edit: The first movie was way better than this one I have to agree with erik that this ones crap.

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