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Posts posted by Dombot

  1. Summertime Rolls - Jane's Addiction


    only 15 and into JA? I'm impressed (no seriously).

    tho I prefer "Nothing's Shocking". . in particular "the Mountain Song" over anything they did later on.


    It's my dad's all time favorite band, I found his CD copy of Ritual de lo Habitual the other day and curiosity got the better of me.


    I've been listening to NS on repeat for the past few days, so good it hurts. Ocean Size is one of my favorite opening tracks on any album, period. I'm in love.

  2. Thanks for the comments everyone!


    More love for Hank's. The food was really fresh, the employees were extremely friendly, and the service was quick! All while it was down pouring and people were flooding in. Probably the best non-chain/generic food I've had at a Cedar Fair park.


    Can't do much about Volcano, we all knew it was/will be down for a while. Still cool it see it in person, though!


    It's amazing what they did to Racer 75, so hopefully the same team can give some attention to Grizzly. I with you - I'm usually very tolerant of rides with a rough reputation, but Grizzly needs some help. I rode the front seat at night and it had some obvious rough patches. The layout is so basic and compact it's pretty much a bigger version of the junior wooden coaster but it could be a fun night ride for the family if they fixed it up!


    Hank's was such a surprise to me. I also forgot to mention that I tried out the new Mac Bowl place right next to Bad Apple, and hoooo boy, that's some good stuff.


    I actually was unaware of Volcano's extended closure due to me avoiding the KD for a while prior to the trip. Oopsy daisy. I was aware of how much of a maintenance nightmare the ride can be, so I wasn't 100% depending on the ride being open, but we all know how it turned out in the end. Oh well, I probably would've spent more time at the other Intamin anyway.


    I loved Grizzly's layout, especially the return leg; those final hills did give some solid floater. If the park did decide to give the thing some TLC, I'd be overjoyed. I could definitely see Millennium Flyers or Timberliners benefit the ride, but that's really just wishful thinking.


    Great update, love this park and can't wait to get back down there next month!


    Outer Hanks is a nice little spot to catch a brew, their food was alright.

    Thanks! I'll be looking out for your report. Don't let me down.


    I honestly think I was just surprised to see stuff like Po' boys and fried shrimp at a Cedar Fair park of all places. As a Florida native, the chef absolutely knows what they're doing when it comes to seafood. It was legit.


    Fun report.

    Makes me want to get to KD soon.

    (Love BGW -- and I couldn't agree more on Alpengeist vs. Montu. I love them both, but there is just something about blasting at break-neck speed down that ravine, through the hut and into the cobra roll. That entire section down the ravine has always felt super-intense, especially at night. And I always liked the themeing of Alpengeist.)

  3. Good report!


    Rebel Yell was retracked when it was transformed into Racer 75,which is why it's so smooth. I actually like Grizzly and found it reasonably smooth back in April. I think I rode in both the front and very back.

    Many thanks! I actually didn't know the ride was retracked during the off-season, I guess you learn something new everyday.


    I actually rode Grizzly in the very front, and I absolutely despised it. The layout was cool, and I can see why it has a fanbase, but it's just not my ride.

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