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Posts posted by Dombot

  1. I swear to tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth, so anyway, I said to her, I said, they can't afford that on what he earns, I mean for a start the feathers get up your nose, I ask you, four and six a pound, and him with a wooden leg, I don't know how she puts up with it after all the trouble she's had with her you-know-what, anyway it was a white wedding much to everyone's surprise, of course they bought everything on the hire purchase, I think they ought to send them back where they came from, I mean you've got to be cruel to be kind so Mrs Harris said, so she said, she said, she said, the dead crab she said, she said. Well, her sister's gone to Rhodesia what with her womb and all, and her youngest, her youngest as thin as a filing cabinet, and the goldfish, the goldfish they've got whooping cough they keep spitting water all over their Bratbys, well, they do don't they, I mean you can't, can you, I mean they're not even married or anything, they're not even divorced, and he's in the KGB if you ask me, he says he's a tree surgeon but I don't like the sound of his liver, all that squeaking and banging every night till the small hours, his mother's been much better since she had her head off, yes she has, I said, don't you talk to me about bladders, I said...

  2. I wouldn't call this a rant by any means, but honestly I had no idea where to put this, and this thread is the best place to put it, I'd say.


    Long story short, my dad got a new job. My family's moving to Atlanta. I'm not sad or anything like that, not much should change for us; the only major difference is the city. Moving schools isn't a big problem for me, I can adapt easily. Since we're only like about a four hour drive from Orlando, we might still keep our Disney and SeaWorld passes, which is a cool bonus. Just... it's weird. I've never lived outside of Florida before. I was born in Fort Myers, moved to Tampa when I was like six months old, and I've stayed here ever since. Having to change that just feels off, y'know? I'm really excited, but at the same time, I'm not. Again, it's weird.

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