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Posts posted by Dombot

  1. Howl-O-Scream 2018 is officially on! Went to the park last Saturday to check it out, and as always, it was awesome. BG really kills it every year with this event, I actually kinda like it more than Halloween Horror Nights. Quick thoughts:


    -The park was DEAD. Like, I was really surprised to see that there was barely anyone at the park, and on the first weekend at that. Longest I waited for anything was 20 minutes for front row on Cheetah Hunt. lol


    -The two new houses are actually crazy fun. Insomnia was probably my favorite of the night. The scare actors were great, and some of the sets are genuinely astounding. Simon's Slaughterhouse was pretty fun, except the 17+ thing is kinda dumb. I liked it a lot, but the rating is stupid. Still good, though.


    -All the other houses are back! Motel Hell really delivered this year, that chainsaw guy in the rafters tho. OMG. I loved the new version of Unearthed, they dimmed the lights in the house significantly and hand you a flashlight at the start of the house. Awesome concept, makes for some really good scares.


    -The coaster creatures are hilarious. I want that job.

  2. Super excited for this! Sky Rocket II's are my favorite clone model, so I'm really stoked to have one at my home park. They're fast, intense, and give crazy good airtime in the back. Love the color scheme too.

    To further solidify Busch Gardens’ reign as Florida’s thrill ride leader, more news is on the horizon – a second new thrill ride will be coming to the Gwazi area of the park in 2020.


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