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Posts posted by Dombot

  1. In a revised Timeline, Diagon Alley already replaced San Francisco and Universal's HR buildings entirely, and Jaws still exists. Fast and Furious is just being completed in the space that Terminator occupied, which closed in 2015. The third Bill and Ted movie was announced early last year and the HHN show was never cancelled. Dragon Challenge had a limited period of non-dueling but has since been restored due to Universal's loose article policy. A 3rd gate with Super Mario, Pokemon, Zelda, Dreamworks, Nick Jr, Classic Horror Monster, Game of Thrones, and Fantastic Beast properties has already been announced for opening in early 2021. Volcano Bay was actually built in the space between kidzone, men on black, and the back of the property near portofino and hard rock. You can use bus or water taxi transport to get there, or walk. Kong was built the same, I guess lol. But with more animatronics.

    *sigh* I really wish this was reality.

  2. If some guy sours on a whole industry of fun because he found the same ride in two parks, he'd have to be the world's pettiest person.


    "Whoa, whoa...Batman: The Ride is here, too?! THAT'S IT! THAT'S IT! KIDS, WE'RE GOING! NOW! IN THE CAR!"


    This is the worst kind of enthusiast, and sadly one of the most common. I once saw a guy on a different forum who naysayed every park that had a Wild Mouse.




    I couldn't make this up if I tried.

  3. Goth/emo music. Bands like My Chemical Romance, Pierce the Veil, Bring Me the Horizon, The Used... yeah, those are my sh*t. It's funny because I'm a pretty sociable person, I rarely ever get in a bad mood, but the music I listen to most of the time completely contradicts that statement.


    PS- Shoutout to bert425 for introducing me to The Cruxshadows in his Dragoncon TR. Such a good band, their newest album (Astromythology) is awesome.

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