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Posts posted by Dombot



    Just got myself a Samsung Galaxy A8 about two months ago (for those of you unfamiliar, think of the Galaxy S9 but without the Edge display). 64 gig model in black. I love it, my last phone was an S6 and I haven't looked back since. Camera is amazing for a midrange phone, the face recognition unlock is pretty nifty, and HOLY CRAP the Infinity display.


    P.S. Dear anyone on here that bought an iPhone X... just know that I don't think any less of you, but you are a very stupid person.

  2. It was an April Fools joke, but imagine if it was a faux burger for dessert... think about this; brownie bun, solid dark chocolate "patty," white chocolate "onions", and a raspberry/strawberry "ketchup"... it'd most likely cause diabetes in like a bite, but I SO would try that.

  3. Went to the park on Saturday to check out the Food Festival. Few thoughts and observations;


    -FINALLY bit the bullet and rode Mako in the front seat for the first time thanks to Boldikus and Coasterbill's recommendations, and... holy crap. While the back is definitely better down the first drop and is a bit more forceful on those final turns, front is absolutely my new go-to. Insanely strong floater, borderline ejector even, on the first few hills, and the view down the first drop is INCREDIBLE. Gives off SheiKra vibes, except way more intimidating with no OTSR on your body. So good. Gets me hyped to try out Apollo's Chariot since the last time I went to the park (2013) to compare the two.


    -The food was great! First time going to the SeaWorld version, and while I only went to four booths, everything I got was superb. Favorite thing was the Bacon Cheddar Hushpuppies from the North Atlantic Market. I swear I saw Jesus when I bit into one. Not the best thing bacon-related at the Busch parks, but it's close.


    -Rode Journey to Atlantis for the first time since the... um... "improvement"... yeah, not much to say here. Killed off basically any remnant of a comprehensible story the ride had, but the new score was a nice touch. The ride was as fun as ever, the infamous second drop didn't drown everyone on board this time to my pleasant surprise, and the coaster portion, while painfully short, has some wild laterals. I miss Allura.



    Today was the last day to ride Shamu Express. It appears they have decided to get a move on with the Sesame Street transformation. The splash pad in the area has been blocked off for a couple months at least already. There has also been a lot of seating removed from around the play structure (which is to be removed permanently for the project). It just kills me with people taking the date the park gave last year as 2022 as if that's the end all...lol If I recall correctly, it was stayed by 2022 which means anytime before that.


    Woah, what? That's crazy that they'd close down the only kiddie coaster in the park without any warning. I was at the park yesterday, and there were no signs or anything. Weird.


    EDIT PART 2:

    Shamu is now listed as SBNO on RCDb. RIP Happy Harbor I guess.

  4. mmmmmmm: Merlin builds a new coaster at alton towers , claims to spend 12 million, but is actually just over half (and holds many attractions closed)

    in Heide park they managed to close the colossus. create a horrible area for children (peppa pig) and remove 3 attractions.

    at Gardaland they managed to lose 800,000 guests and to cancel the roller coaster of 2019, because the money is used to repair colossus .

    this is how the Merlin parks work!

    Thorpe Park: we feel a veil of mercy


    p.s: I expect their sale soon


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