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Posts posted by deathmole

  1. I know you've probably been asked this many, many times, BUT, are you guys planning any return trip to the UK and Europe any time soon? I'd love to meet you all

  2. The big one at the pleasure beach blackpool has had its fair share of modifications, the reprofiled first drop is much tamer, as if the helix and finale drop into the tunnel since they added the brakes before hand.


    Sure the rides been neutered to hell, but I suppsoe it needed it, the chassis of the cars were warped after a few years of service due to the profile of the drop. It'd still have been nice to try the drop though.


    Before: http://www.3piers.com/bpbbigone.jpg


    After: http://www.rcdb.com/ig775.htm?picture=24


    Piccys credited to 3piers.com and rcdb.com respectivly.


    Notice in the after piccy the extra blue frame work the track has been raised on, doesnt drop as sharp or bank nearly as quick, damn atlott and lomax!

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