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Everything posted by SixFlagsAstroworld

  1. I know the store page is quite out of date and youtube is a far more popular option right now, but I am wondering if there is a way to still obtain the downloadable versions of the dvds listed on the store pages or if a good chunk of it will eventually make its way to youtube eventually in life. I'm mainly interested in coaster expedition volume 5. Attempting to "check out" does nothing. If this was already answered I do apologize as nothing popped up when I searched
  2. 3D Glasses were removed chain wide. Its most definitely a budget cut. also no
  3. plus the fact that they often only have 1 side operating, so forwards + backwards train would potentially increase operating/maintenance costs by forcing both sides to be used. and if one side goes down, they have to stick with the other option, which people would potentially dislike. Logically, even if they were able to modify the LIMs to launch both forwards/backwards trains, it would not make sense from this perspective.
  4. They could send the double decker carousel to WoF and start a defunct park carousel collection since they have Geauga Lake’s carousel.
  5. In case anyone was wondering, Catwoman does actually have a single rider line, which helps a lot. When I rode, Catwoman had maybe a 2 or 3 hour wait, and I was able to get on within 20 minutes.
  6. Visited the park today, and I noticed that Justice League got rid of their 3D glasses. I asked and I was told that the park is "trying something new". Feels like a budget cut to me. American Thunder... Closed. But at least Catwoman and Xcalibur are now open. Catwoman is a lot of fun!
  7. I visited the park today and I saw that Mine Train and Spinsanity are operating now.
  8. I thought I was going crazy or something! Boomerang’s spikes definitely looked brighter halloween weekend.
  9. Thirded. I always catch Cyclone Sam’s every visit! Even to the point where I sometimes skip Timberwolf which is located right next to it.
  10. Sooooo no coaster equals corp “hates” our park? lets see… -Xcalibur received a refurbishment when it could have been removed to cut costs -They are currently refurbishing the carousel, which I imagine is not cheap. -Quite a handful of spots in the park got or is getting some much needed updates (Biggest one being Superman). Does Six Flags hate this park? No. If they did, we wouldn’t be receiving new rides and updates almost yearly. Six Flags doesn’t invest in a coaster for this park because there is hardly any local competition to warrant buying one. Sure, Kings Island, Holiday World, Silver Dollar City, and Kentucky Kingdom are 4-6 hours away, but the local GP don’t want to travel that far to ride coasters. They go to Six Flags because it’s close. If anything, Six Flags probably hates La Ronde enough to warrant dumping Green Lantern there
  11. Fantastic about Eagle's original entrance making a return! I too hope that they give the ride some TLC as well like restoring the mosaic and add chaser lights to the layout. Most likely not the lights, but one can hope!
  12. Can't wait for the official reveal! I actually feel like this could be the new Family Hybrid Coaster concept that RMC recently put on their website. That would still be a nice fit for a park this size
  13. A few still. Serial Thriller (Located at La Ronde) Mayan Mindbender and Gunslinger (Wonderland Park) Big Kahuna (Six Flags Darien Lake) Runaway Rickshaw (Six Flags over Texas) These are the few remaining rides that I know of off the top of my head.
  14. That restored horse looks amazing! I'm glad to see the carousel getting the love it needs!
  15. Interesting facts I learned about Astroworld part 2: AstroWorld had a kiddie whip ride Digging through old photos of Looney Tunes town, I came across one of a kiddie whip ride. I knew AstroWorld had a collection of unique rides, but I was not expecting a Six Flags park to have something like this. I do not know the name of this ride, or where its exactly located, but if anyone just happens to remember this ride, could you please share a little more information about it?
  16. Its been a few days since the last update. I finished outlining WaterWorld and everything else outside the railroad tracks on the pixel map! I'm getting closer to a complete outline! In other news, I have found a site that not only has great photos of the main street area, which is great for references, but also has all the background music played at the park. This will probably be pretty nostalgic for those who visited this park often.
  17. Summer 2021 16 years after the closure of Six Flags Cypress Adventure, Former employees of the park came together and pitched an idea to the current owner of the property: A fair themed to the defunct park. In May of 2021, Cypress Park was temporarily rebranded back into Cypress Adventure and rented carnival rides placed along the only stretch of path that Six Flags never demolished. In addition, people who brought items from the auction after the park closed put their items on display. The fair was a success, bringing in thousands of people wishing to visit Six Flags Cypress Adventures again. Lets view a trip report of someone who visited Cypress Adventure since it first opened... They put up the original Cypress Adventure sign from when the park first opened. This view alone is filling me with nostalgia! I still think its weird to look at this view without a drop tower at the other end. The only remaining structure of Cypress Adventure. It still sells the same stuff too! Everyone is heading this direction! I wonder whats this way... Cypress Plunge log flume used to be here. I spy rides! I find it interesting that Six Flags never tore out this stretch of path when they were demolishing the park. Other side view of the fair. Each carnival ride are named after the rides that used to be at Cypress Adventures! The rides even have the original ride signs! Thats not rodeo! Did no one fact check what type of ride Rodeo was? Oh god. There's a pinfari. I wonder what ride this is named after. Ah, Named after Twister. Tidal Wave, but more boring Extra signs and props from the park were put on display here. View of the fair from across the lake. Overview of the fair. I had a lot of fun at this fair, I think this is a great way to pay tribute to Six Flags Cypress Adventures!
  18. ^ Thanks anyway! Also that picture of Batman the Escape will definitely help me with the details! As for official project updates: I made serious progress on the pixel map! And not only that, I officially started on the park itself!! What better ride to kick off the project with than Greezed Lightnin'? You can see how my coaster skills have improved between 2016 and now. Made in 2016. I hate it. Stay tuned for more soon!
  19. I'm having a little bit of a roadblock at the moment. I'm outlining Batman the Escape on my pixel map, and I cannot find the entrance for the queue. I know you go through the mountain and over a bridge to reach Batman the Escape. Here's an aerial view of the area in front of the bridge and batcave. I located the queue, but I cannot locate where it starts. If you been to Astroworld, or know anyone who has been to Astroworld, can you please help point out where the queue for Batman the Escape starts, and confirm that the ramp under the bridge is the exit? Thank you in advance. By the way, anyone happen to know where in Astroworld this building is located?
  20. Interesting facts I learned about Astroworld part 1: XLR-8 had a weird ass queue Looking at the aerial view of XLR-8, I found that it has just a straightforward queue. There's no switchbacks or anything. If you don't believe me and thought I hid the real queue under the pixel map I'm working on, here's another photo of the queue. Whats also weird is the exit path. From this screenshot of the backwards POV of XLR-8, The transfer track goes over the exit path. The gates are clearly meant to let the trains pass through into the transfer track. I heard a rumor that XLR-8 was originally supposed to be part of the Six Flags ride rotation program, which would actually make sense as to why they would make these weird design choices. It was meant to be temporary until it was relocated. It would also explain the tent like station the coaster had too.
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